Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Arts and crafts

A sneak peek at my gown..I love it.
My life has been one big arts and crafts fair lately. I have been sewing, building, assembling and painting.  I have been pulling out all the stops for my up coming pageant. I have been working on pageant prep every day and done zero house work.  My house is a mess. The dishes are piling up, the bathroom needs a scrub, and the vacuum sits idle in the corner.  I hope that this upcoming pageant will end successfully so that I won’t mind cleaning so much. But for now, it is the least of my worries. I am eating and sleeping and breathing pageant.
I finished my props last night, they are painted, trimmed and in working order.  I call them DONE.
Also last night I started my presentation costume. Our theme is “Futuristic Fashions”. I love this type of theme.  It allows me to be creative. I am creating my look based on three colors, Black, Silver and lime green.  I have been saving this bright green strapping that comes from the pallets at work. Usually it is thrown away. But I have the idea to use it like glowing rings on my costume. I have also covered a set of foot ball pads with silver foil tape ( I am always inspired at the hardware store). I am attaching the strapping to look like Saturn’s rings. I am going to look inter-galactic! Also I was waling through my local Dollar Tree Store and found these mesh seat back cushions. They are black piping with net stretched across them. They are very cool. I am going to attach them together and create a standing collar for the costume. It is going to look great!
I have to finish the skirt for my talent and it will all be done.  It is not easy being a one man show, thank goodness I have had help form my sister/un paid intern…Wendy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pageant update

I got the final copies of music done for the pageant. I had trusted a good friend with cutting in some clips from the Cinderella movie. He then took two songs from Linda Eder and put them together on the same track.  He was having some issues with the clarity of the sound. He tried some old school tricks and bam… at 11 pm last night, it all came together.  My MUSIC is Done!
Also I worked on applying rhinestones to my gown. It looks amazing!  I threw every stone I had on that gown.  The fit is great.  The shoes match perfect. Overall evening gown category is complete. My wig/hair pieces are prepared. I am borrowing jewelry from a good friend.  My GOWN is Done! 
I will continue to work on talent costumes today. Things are really starting to come together.
I also wanted to share with you an email I got from a bar patron in Gun Barrel City. Gun Barrel City is located on Cedar Creek Lake about 1 hour south east of Dallas. They have two small gay bars and a supportive gay community. I was booked at Garlow’s in Gun Barrel City last weekend. The bar staff made sure every thing I needed was taken care of.  Every one was friendly and full of energy.  This email really made my day:
Mattie,  We came with friends to see you at Garlow’s last Saturday night. You are just fantastic! You have so much talent, such elegance, and poise. We look forward to seeing you again, Dixie Smith.
I am so glad that the crowd enjoys what I do. I had a great night at Garlow’s.  I hope to come back again soon.

Monday, August 29, 2011

pageant update

Here is just a quick update about how things are processing for my upcoming drag pageant.  Miss Texas State at Large Pageant begins on 9-3-11. 

This was the gown I wore out of town on saturday night.
 It looked very elegant on me.
floral lace and satin

I got my gown as stated in my previous post.  I am adding more and bigger rhinestones to it. It fits great. Length is perfect. I bought new shoes that just need to be stoned.  These shoes look great, although still a bit snug.
My talent costumes still need to be reworked.  I am doing a costume change on stage.  I will be wearing a tear away skirt then, transitions to a hat and coat with tails. I know how to make the skirt, and just need an hour or so to make it happen.  I have all the fabrics already.  I have a coat and top hat that I have worn before, but I am replacing the sleeves.  Also I found the perfect fabric for the new  sleeves and body suit I am wearing under.  I am adding more beaded fringe to them and adding more rhinestones to the collar and cuffs. I want them to sparkle.   I went on my lunch break from work and hit the fabric store.  Also I picked up come trim I needed.  
My props are built, but still not painted.  I had a show booked out of town, and the pay was worth the drive. Unfortunately, it takes up my time from working on projects this past weekend. I hope to have them done tonight.  I am also adding a pediment to the top to make it appear taller. I have those pieces already assembled.  I just need to attach some brackets. They will be painted tonight!
Interview should be top notch.  I got back on Sunday from out of town, and stopped by the local mall. I was looking for some futuristic sunglasses for my presentation, but walked out with a new suit. I LOVE IT!  I have worn the same olive suit for several years, and it looks great. But it was time for a new one.  I went with a cool light- gray suit.  I bought a new shirt and tie too.  I am doing to look very professional. I took the money I made on Saturday night and turned it into a new suit.
Presentation is the last of my worries. Our theme is futuristic fashions.  I sketched it all out. I just need to make it happen.  I bought the pieces while out of town. I stopped by a local store there and was inspired.  That is usually how it happens.  I plan one way, and my inspiration takes me another. But it always turns out looking top notch. 
I will be working all week at my regular job, and hope to spend my spare time in the evenings preparing and completing everything for my pageant.  The two day pageant begins on Saturday. We have contestant meeting in the morning.  We will draw numbers at that time.  (please don’t let me get contestant # 1)   Interview will be in the afternoon, then evening gown judging that night.  On Sunday, it will be Talent and gown walk through with Q&A while in our gown. They will alternate gown and talents until every one is done.  It all sounds easy, but when you throw in entertainment…it will still last until closing time.  Then is you win, they make you kneel down like we are playing pee-wee football. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I got my gown for the upcoming Miss Texas State at large pageant. I am borrowing it from a friend.  It is tan and gold. It has beautiful bead work. It has layers of chiffon and is strapless. I am dying my shoes this week too. I am going to look amazing in it. 
 I have competed in several different systems over the past 10 years. I have tried to find the place where I would be welcomed, appreciated and respected.  I think we all need that in life. 

Gay drag pageants are modeled after traditional beauty pageants. Most drag pageants have an evening gown category, a talent category, and sometimes and interview/Q&A portion of the contest. I also know of one pageant that has a swim suit contest. I do not compete in contest with those. This type of contest is best suited to transsexual contestants. (I would look like an over weight whale wearing spandex.) There are many pageant systems out there.  I have competed in two of the nations largest, which are The Miss Gay America system and the USofA System.  Then there are smaller systems, like the Texas State system.  It has grown over the past four years, and I have worked closely with the pageants, both as an entertainer and MC.  Now I will be competing.

I will give the short history of the Texas State Pageant system.  The two owners of the Texas State Pageant system are from Wylie Texas, just outside of Dallas.   About five years ago, they were running another pageant system for a man in San Antonio. They had some issues with the man who owned the pageant. They parted ways. They decided to venture out and start their own system. They held the First Miss Gay Texas State at Large pageant the following fall.  (At large means that all of the contestants are plus size) And the first three years were a success. So last year, they added a regular size category.  Now each year they will crown a plus size drag queen and a regular size drag queen. These two winners will represent the pageant system at shows, community fundraisers, and the set preliminary contests. They also work as a liaison for the pageant owners. They will then relinquish their titles the following year, when a new group will compete. I have gotten to know the owner of the Miss Texas State pageant. I also became friends with the current Miss Texas State at Large titleholder, Amber Daniels.  She and I have worked together for a few years in Fort Worth. I also enjoy hanging out with her out side of drag. She is a good friend. She loves to laugh and socialize. She convinced me to enter a preliminary pageant about two months ago. I won Miss Fort Worth State at Large prelim. So now I have about a week left until the State pageant. I am excited because I feel that it is a big opportunity.  I want to do well and win. But if I don’t, I am ready for that too. In the overall scheme of life, it is just a drag contest.  Also I just want to have fun and enjoy the moment.  I feel stronger as a person, ready as an entertainer and established in my goals. 

The pageant on Labor Day weekend should go well. It will last two days. I have built my props for talent, I am wearing a beautiful gown, and I completing last minute preparations this week. I have enjoyed being apart of this group of friends and entertainers.  In the past it has been difficult to deal with people who are trouble makers or two faced queens, but over all, I feel the Texas State pageant system is a good for me. 

My clock prop for my Talent.  I will be a princess who moves up to the big time.I have to add the mediment to the top and paint it all for the competetion. My clock lights up during the talent.
My theme is time. I will be a princess who cast off her flowing gown to revele a broadway dance costume. I will jazz dance to BIG TIME by Linda Eder.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm ready for the pageant

Today I feel like:
Mary Johanson (Character) from Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
“With one week to go before the pageant, I was finishing my costume, practicing my talent, brushing up on current events, and running 18 miles a day on about 400 calories.  I… was… ready!”
I love the character of Mary from Drop Dead Gorgeous.  Anyone who knows me well, know that I enjoy any movie about drag or pageants and of course, drag pageants. Drop Dead Gorgeous was a gem of comedy that still makes me laugh. It is a mock-u-mentry about a small town pageant.  In fact it is not uncommon for me to recite the lines while watching the movie. I’m a dork like that. I enjoy a good laugh, even if I’ve seen it a few dozens times.
I love this movie: This movie is an outrageous, deliciously bad-taste classic. A small town beauty pageant turns deadly as it becomes clear that someone will go to any lengths to win.
The beginning:  In the small Midwest community of Mount Rose, Minnesota, the Sarah Rose American Miss Teen Princess Pageant is in full swing. The annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. The Crew interviews contestants and town folk about the pageant. They discover that former winner, Gladys Leeman, wants to make sure her daughter follows in her footsteps. It would seem that Gladys is behind the explosions, falling lights, and trailer fires that soon occur. The Leemans are the richest family in town and the police are pretty relaxed about it all. From the moment front-runner Tammy Curry is blown to pieces on her sabotaged tractor, it's clear this beauty pageant will be fought tooth and nail. And it ain't gonna be pretty.
Despite everything, Amber Atkins won't be stopped. Amber is the nice girl in the movie. She has big dreams and wants to win so that she can some day leave this small town and venture off to a better life. Amber has to watch her step; it seems some one is out to get her. There could well be more death and disappointment to come if she is not careful.
The pageant comes down to two main contestants.  Amber Atkins and Becky Leeman:
In the Blue corner is Becky Leeman. Becky is the rich kid daughter of former winner and rabidly proud officiating beauty pageant President, Gladys Leeman. I loved Becky's hilarious (not to mention blasphemous) love song for Jesus talent. 
And in the Red corner is Amber Atkins. She lives in a trailer park.  She is the home town girl who works at the morgue. She practices her make-up artist skills on the deceased. Amber Atkins is championed by her boozy mother, Annette and her mother's morally suspect best friend Loretta. Amber tap dances her way in to the hearts of the local town folk.
Something funny About Mary:  The movie covers the back story of the contestants. It also introduces us to Mary Johanson. Mary is the anorexic winner of last year's contest. Mary is portrayed as seriously unwell due to her illness; Mary is staying in the 'Anorexia/Bulimia Wing' of the local hospital. She's visited by Amber once a week, who brushes her hair, which has started to fall out. “shh don’t tell her”  Mary also receives an inappropriate box of chocolates from Becky when the cameras are there. Mary questions who Becky is, which results in Becky pretending that this is a game they always play. During an interview, she reveals that two weeks before the pageant saw her “practicing her talent, finishing her costume, brushing up on current events, and running 18 miles a day on about 400 calories''. That scene is so funny.Mary also repeats her old winning talent performance of lip-synching to 'Don't Cry Out Loud' by Melissa Manchester.  That is a great song.  She performs in her wheelchair, pushed by a nurse, at this year's competition night to entertain the audience before the show.  Her hair has gone from blonde to curly black (a wig), but is back to blonde when she's on stage as the results are announced. After the contest is over, we see her in an ambulance with an oxygen mask on. She smiles, and waves to the camera.
The End: Both Amber and Becky compete to see who will be Miss Mount Rose.  The pageant finale is suspect, when the winner, Becky Leeman is announced. Everyone seems disappointed when Amber is runner up. She danced her ass off and does not win. What a bummer! Then she replaces Becky when the parade float Becky is riding on explodes. It is now up to Amber to follow her dreams to the State and National Teen Princess Pageant. Each one is plagued with problems of their own. In the end tragedy does not stop Amber.  She over comes adversity and lands the job of her dreams…She becomes a news anchor woman, like her idol, Diane Sawyer.  See dreams do come true! Even if they dont happen the way you think they should.
*Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) stars Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards, Ellen
Barkin, Allison Janney and Kirstie Alley.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am so fustrated.

Face book

I will “un-friend” some people from my face book today.  I am tired of crap friends who do not call, text or face book me. If you get cut, I’m sorry. But I deserve better. Also if I do not know you personally then you could be eliminated too.  I am deleting people from my FB, my phone and my life.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Charlotte and Jason

When I was a kid, we used to go to church. We lived in a small town of about 1300 people.  My mom’s friends would pick us up. We would go to church with them.  They were good people who cared about us.  Charlotte was an older woman in her 40’s back then.  She was married to a man named Jason. I remember them in the late 1970’s.  They had two grown sons and lived just out side the city limits.  Charlotte and Jason had a nice home, but it was nothing too fancy. They were plain working people.  Charlotte worked part time as a book keeper for an oil field service company.  Jason worked as a lead for the same company. He ended up buying that company several years later.  Charlotte and Jason’s house sat on two acres of land, with some surrounding fields and a pond just down from the house.  They had small live stock including chickens, goats, a few cows and the family dogs. They even planted a large garden every year. They planted okra, squash, onions, tomatoes and some times green beans or corn. They gave away most of what they grew.  If we came over and helped take care of the garden, they would share with our family too.  It was fun working in the dirt and helping water the plants.  Charlotte and Jason would travel during the summer to see their extended families. .  We also helped do the chores when they were away from home.  I remember having to tend to the animals. It was not too bad. But I hated gathering the eggs.  The swear those chickens were mean. Plus it was dark in the hen house; you could barely see what was under the chicken. I was nervous and scared to put my hand in the nest.  I did not want to get pecked.  Charlotte and Jason attended church regularly.  It was an important part of their lives and they felt it was important to share that with us.  In fact Charlotte is the one who told me about Jesus.  I could see him working through her.  Charlotte was also a mentor to my mom.  I remember playing in the yard while she talked with my mom about her troubles. My mom was a young bride who had her hands full trying to keep up with us six kids and a violent husband, who drank too much.  If anyone needed Jesus, it was probably my dad, not my mom. I was glad my dad stopped drinking when I was in fourth grade.  Too many beers made my dad angry. My mom endured a lot in these first five years of marriage.   My mom was a long way from her real family and having close friends in a small town was good for her.  Jason and Charlotte were loving people who my mom could turn to in time of need.  I remember Charlotte as a good woman. She was very involved with her church.  She was nothing like some religious fanatics are today.  She was not a “Bible thumper” She had Jesus in her heart and shared her heart with those around her.  Charlotte was also our emergency contact with the school. I remember having to learn her phone number by memory in kindergarten. She was the person we would call, if we got sick at school and mom was not home.  She would pick us up and then wait with us at the house until mom could be located. She also made the best grilled cheese.  Charlotte would also volunteer at the local Senior Center. She even helped teach the little kids at church and worked in the church nursery.  She also delivered Meals on Wheels to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. She found enjoyment and goodness in helping others.
Yes, she had Jesus…or more like Jesus had her.  “The bible in the car was for church, and Jesus in your heart was for every day.” I will always remember the good things they did for our family. She was one in a million.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm back from Austin

Well, I made it back from Austin. The sale was a success!  The entire staff did a great job. (that is a joke, the staff consists of me and my unpaid intern, Wendy. She is also my sister).  We left early and made it there on time. Traffic was good. I had my concerns, because I had heard there was going to be construction on I35.  We got to Austin about 9am. We stopped at a local Denny's for breakfast. Then we went the hotel, the site for the  vendor sale, and set up shop.  We did not have the space that we are used to. But we did sell some dress. My gowns were a hit.  Also I got to see some friends from around the state.   Also have two new clents who need dresses for Dallas coronation, which is going tobe held in October.  I will be contacting them in the next few weeks for a consultation and a fitting. 
I made enough money for my next adventure, Miss Gay Texas state pageant that is in a few weeks. ( I won athe Miss Fort Woth at large prelim, a couple of months ago)This was my true goal, so I am glad I made good money.  I am gong today to by the materials for builing my props.  I know what I want. Now it is time to build it.  Until now I have been practicing the two sections of music on two different cd's.  My friend is mixing the fianl cut of my music. So that is good. I am borrowing an amazing gown from my good friend. It has only been worn twice, but not by me.  And I will getting a new suit for interview this week.  It is all coming together. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Austin Coronation

Look out Austin here I come.
I have been preparing for another trunk show in Austin.  I will be selling my gowns and dress out of town again.  I will be leaving at 6 am Saturday to travel the 3.5 hours down I35 to Austin. I am not taking as much as last time, just due to logistics.  I have already had a few calls from clients inquiring about what gowns I am bringing.  I have already pre-sold 3 and hope that the rest sell too.  It is never easy getting ready for these events. In fact, to be honest, I am sewing myself broke.  I have spent way too much on fabrics and  rhinestones, that I just want to recoupe the money I have already shelled out.  I know this is not the best business model, but I have to look at it as an investment.  Even if I had to use my car payment money to do it. At some point I will have to do one of two things...cut my losses and let it go, or start doing this full time. For now I am just glad that people like my designs and I continue to be asked to be a vendor at these events.   I am just hopeing it all turns out well tomorrow I have to take thins one sale at a time. This is another big gamble. I have done three sales this year.  Tulsa, Fort Worth, Austin and hope to do the next in Dallas this fall.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Miss Oklahoma at Large

The night I won Miss Oklahoma USofA at Large was a great night.  It was 2002 and I was enjoying my success in pageants. I had entered probably 5 or 6. I did not win them all, but found the experiences beneficial.  I was really coming into my own. I had been 1st alt to Miss Oklahoma EOY and 1st alt again at Miss Prairie States regional EOY.  I had won Miss Copa USofA at Large a few months prior.  I loved The COPA in OKC. It worked well for holding pageants.  This preliminary lead me to the state pageant to be held in Tulsa. Miss Oklahoma at large.  During this time I had moved back home to Wichita Falls.  There were no residency restrictions, so completing in another state was not a problem.  Tulsa had billed the Miss Oklahoma at Large pageant as “the fat girl” pageant.  And it was too. All of the queens had to be 200 lbs or at least 6 feet tall.  Most of us girls qualified by the weight.  GW, my late partner, was there with me the entire time.  He was also in my talent.  It was great to have his support.  I had been preparing for weeks. My gown was ready, my talent was well rehearsed, and my mind was in a good place.  I was going to make my mark.  The promoters from the Silver Star Club were great.  I had been in contact with them. They were truly welcoming as soon as I walked in the bar.  We had arrived the night before and met them for a drink. They were a great couple of guys.   We were accompanied by my friend, Raven. Raven was a queen from OKC.  Raven was good with details and I knew she would make sure I looked top notch and she did. We returned to the hotel early.  Raven spent time that evening, placing the final touches on my wig.  I was going through a blonde phase then.  It took some work to hide my dark hair under that pretty blonde wig. He wig line needed to be perfect. I had brought my sewing machine along and got the idea to cut my presentation costume.  I was not happy with the way it looked and felt this would be my last chance to re-do it before the competition. So Raven styled and I sewed. GW watched TV.  The personal interview was the next day at noon.  I showed up to the contestant meeting ready.  The interview was to follow.  I was contestant number 5.  There were a couple of girls from Tulsa and OKC. One girl, Chanel, was from Dallas.  (She is friend of mine today.) And I was representing Wichita Falls via OKC.  I was the true unknown.  The other girls did not seem worried.  They each had their interviews. Then it was my turn. I looked great in my new suit. I shined with each question.   It was amazing.  I nailed it.  The judges smiled as I shook their hands and thanked each one before leaving.  I was confident I had won interview.    
The pageant started late. I was ready early. So I had to stand in my presentation costume so it would not wrinkle.  Presentation was easy. You come out, circle around, then walk up the mic and say something sassy to introduce your self.  It was simple. The crowd clapped politely and cheered more when the Tulsa girls came out.  They looked cheap with bad makeup.  I hoped the judges could tell the difference.  Gown category was next.  My gown was navy blue bugle beaded gown. It was fringed and has liquid beaded collar and cuff. It was split up the front with a train.  It scored well.  My face looked fresh and hair was clean.  The talent portion of the contest was my shining moment.  I did my Trailer Park number.  I started out with a lip synced monologue about living in a trailer park.  I stood directly in front of the judges with nothing but a spot light on me.  I was ironing a shirt on al old rusty iron board.  I was dressed like a bingo playing granny, complete with big hair and an iron that said property of motel 6.  I even pretended to burn the shirt.  It was all a part of the act.  I leaned on the iron and you could see the burn mark (it had been faux painted with fabric paints.)  It looked real.  That was just one of the many details I tried to include. Plus it made it funny. 
I had built set props to look like the inside of someone’s trailer home.  After the sassy monologue, the song started and I rolled the iron board out of the way. My mom had helped me add casters to the legs so it would roll.  I did a song called 1-900-Bubba by Kacey Jones. She is a musical comedy genius.  I had GW play “Bubba” all he had to do was act like he was drinking beer on the couch and watch TV.  He was so cute in his overalls and wife-beater shirt.  He was my little actor. While the old wife (me) sang a story about how bubba was a redneck but she loved him.   It was awesome, the judges loved it. The big finish was at the end when I danced like an old lady and plopped down on the couch with Bubba.  I was in such a rush to make my queue that I kicked the leg of the couch and when I sat down the leg broke!  Bubba and I landed on the floor!  The laughter was awesome. All I could do was smile and throw my arms around Bubba like he was the king of the trailer park.  The judges thought it was part of the act. It was the funniest thing they had ever seen.  I won talent hands down.  I also took home the cash prize for interview too. Gown went to someone else. I think Chanel.  Then the big moment came. They Called Chanel runner up and then a big pause.  They called my name, I had won the whole damn thing.  My first reaction was to run and hug GW.  I was so happy, I forgot that they had to crown me first.  I was crying tears of joy.  I made my mark.  I was on my way to Miss USofA at Large to be held in Winston-Salem NC.  I did not worry about what a undertaking that would be. I was so proud of my self for winning.

I felt embarrassed

I made the mistake of letting a co-worker read the story about my Grandma before I posted it.  I was trying to be open and share. I was proud of it. I know I am not writer. I have found that telling small stories about me, my life, and my family are helpful to my understanding of myself.  My co-worker read what I was working on, but she did not ‘get it’.  She said the story was nice, but why is it important? She asked.  Does the world care about your dead grandmother?  I felt embarrassed.  (I don’t think I will let her read anymore.)  I don’t think she understood personal significance of just telling about it.  I am at a time in my life where I need to let go, move on and take control.  My blog is not about using proper grammar and turning a beautiful phrase.  I will leave that to the professionals.  Also our time on earth is limited.  I have seen loved ones pass.  I don’t want all my life to be forgotten. I hope that someone will take value in knowing I shared part of myself.  I know only a hand full of people may read what I write, but it is important to me.  I have lived a life like no one else.  My sister, who reads my blog, said I write and my voice comes through.  I appreciate that. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Grandma's House

Me, Mom and Wendy 1998
My grandma’s house was torn down about 10 years ago. I remember when my Aunt Alice called and told me.  It was sad.  If you go to Google Earth, the house you see today is not the house that was originally there. The neighborhood has been re-developed. Part of her neighborhood had already been lost when the San Tomas Expressway cut through the area.   My Grandma from California was my mom’s mother. She was born with the name Ascension Quiroz. I know she had a few brothers because I found pictures form WWII with their names on them.  She took the name “Sally” as a girl. It was the white thing to do back then. Times were different then.  If you could pass for white, then you assumed a white name. I knew her as Sally.  She married my Grandpa, Jose Castillo, some time in 1950.  Every one called him Joe.  I don’t know the date they go married.  My mom never told me.  Sally worked at a tomato canning factory and had worked her way up to “head floor lady”.  It was a lead position with modest pay.  Her husband worked as a delivery driver. Together Sally and Jose Castillo brought a house in Campbell just outside of San Jose. The owner financed it and let them pay it over a 20 year mortgage. It was a small two bedroom with a good size back yard and a guest house. The house was built some time in the 1930’s.  My mom was born in 1951.  I have a picture of my mom and her two sisters taken in the yard of that house. My mom was eight years old in the photo.  It is hard to imagine your parents as children.  She was wearing a flowered dress with a lace collar.  My mom must have been a handful.  "She had a mind of her own and a mouth to go with it." At least that's what grandma said once.  My mom sad it was the only place she remembered living: that small house in Campbell, California.
I did not know my Grandma Sally very well, but I loved her.  We only went to visit her three time. And once she came to Texas on the bus to see us. That was about 1986.  I remember traveling to California. It seemed a million miles away.  Our first visit was in 1989. Then in 1992 we went again because my brother graduated from the Marines. We then traveled up to San Jose area to see my mom’s family, after spending a few days in San Diego with my brother. And the last time was in 1997 when my Grandma was sick. That trip was just me, Mom and my youngest sister Wendy. 
Our family went on vacation to California in the summer of 1989.  We drove there.  It was a big trip. I was about 13.  My youngest sister, Wendy, was two years old. She was so cute. She was so cute wearing pampers and constant bottle in her face.  I think she had the most fun because everyone wanted to spoil her.  It was one of the few times that I remember my dad ever being in a good mood for an entire trip.  After days of driving, we finally got there.  My Grandma house was small and plain, and had signs of wear and tear.  No one seemed to mind.  My mom was home.  My Mom and Dad slept on the couch and we kids slept on the floor.  Again, no one seemed to mind.  It was like indoor camping.   My aunts would wake us up with a home cooked breakfast.  We enjoyed the quality time spent with our relatives.  They treated us like we had known them our whole lives.  My mom had two sisters, Kathy and Alice.  They all shared the same fun and happy personality.  They were very much like my mom.  They called me “mijo”.  Mijo is a conjoined Spanish slang term of affection.  It means "my son." It can be said to any man or boy, usually by an older person. It can also mean "my dear" "sweetie" or "hun." My Aunts loved me, like my mom loved me. It made me feel special. 
My aunt, Alice, was married to my Uncle Manuel.  They had been high school sweet hearts.  They married young and were still together. They had two boys.  He was a mechanic who loved cars and anything sports. I liked learning about cars from him.  It seemed he could fix anything.  He also taught me how to box in the back yard.  He let me put on gloves and hit the bag.  I liked him.  He had a good heart.  My cousins and I were the same age, so coaching came natural to my uncle.  The interest he showed to me bothered my Dad, I think. I don’t think he appreciated another man teaching his son things.  I remember my dad scoffing when I showed him what I learned.  My Dad always focused on my older brother.  Teaching me seemed to be a waste of time. 
My uncle also drove us to Santa Cruz.  It was the first and only time I have seen the Pacific Ocean. It was beautiful. We don’t have oceans in North Texas. I will always remember it.  We left early and got there as the sun came up. We ate breakfast at a local diner.  We played the games on the boardwalk and took pictures on the pier.
During our time on California, we got to go visit my Grandma’s work. Grandma Sally was in her 60’s then. No longer could she work in factories.  She was a nanny for a prestigious Doctor who lived in Los Gatos.  The Doctor and his wife had two small girls and lived in a huge mansion. They were very friendly and kind people. They hosted a cook out for us all.  We made the mistake of calling it a "Bar-b-que".  That is a term used only in the Texas.  I guess out in California...they “grill”.  To them bar-b-que is a seasoning, not an event.  We swam in their pool and had a great afternoon.  They cared about my grandma.  She was an extended part of their family.  She worked for them for several years after that. The Doctor is the one who took care of her when she got sick in 1997.
We ended out visit in 1989 and returned to Texas. It was tough to see my Mom cry.  She was so torn about seeing her family in California again. This short visit was long over due for her.  It brought back all the memories of when she was 18 and left California to live in Texas with my dad.  It was not really talked about, but the week she had left for Texas in 1970, was when My Grandpa was killed in a crash.  My mom was devastated and always felt guilty for leaving her family.  We did however go to the cemetery and visit Grandpa Jose’s grave.  It was a place that my mom had never been either.  When Grandpa died tragically, she did not go the funeral. 
In fact my mom was worried again when an earth quake hit the Bay area in 1989. It was a major earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area of California on October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. local time. It was caused by a slip along the San Andreas Fault.  The quake lasted 10–15 seconds. It measured 6.9 magnitude on the Richter Scale. The quake killed 63 people throughout northern California, injured 3757 and left some 3,000-12,000 people homeless. Luckily, none of our family was affected.
Our last visit to California came in 1997.  My grandmother was sick.  So we went to see her. It would be the last time. Grandma Sally who had once been a beautiful woman was soon gone.  She was the only Grandparent I had ever met.  Grandpa Jose died in 1970, so I never knew him. I was not born until 1974.  And my dad’s parents were both past away some time before I was born too.  I will always remember the long trips to California and meeting an old lady who loved me, even though she didn’t know me.  My aunt tried to have the house put into her name before my Grandma died, but found out that the man who sold the house in the 50’s, never really owned it to begin with. The deed my Grandma had was not legit. The ownership reverted back to the real owner’s family.  They saw it as a gold mind. They did not seem to care about an old lady losing her home. All they saw was an opportunity to cash in on some forgotten property.  They could not legally fight it, because they had no money. My Aunts decided to keep it all hush-hush.  Grandma died never knowing that the deed she held was no good.  The house she had worked so many years for was not her’s. Her house was sold and my aunts moved away.  The old house was torn down and a developer built a new one. It only exists now in the few photos from our trip and the memories that roll around in my head.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

yestedays post

Here is what I look like.  I was on a camping trip. no makeup no drag, just Tomas. 
After re-reading my post from yesterday, I am trying to look at the situation a little differently.  I was doing the right thing by trying to be more open with new people. It took a lot for me to talk to a stranger.  As Mattie, it is so much easier.  But as my male self it is hard, but I did.  The conversation was nice.  Maybe it was short and did not end the way I would have hoped, but I should give myself credit for trying.  That is the way I’m going to look at it.  Not every guy is going to open and receptive to my attentions.  I am going to try hard to let it go and move on.  I know I deserve a special relationship, I should stop beating myself up.  It is ok just to keep trying. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

short story

I meet a guy yesterday.  I struck up a conversation. Just friendly talk.  He seemed nice. He excused himself to grab another drink.  I saw him walk over to the bar, and place his empty glass down.  He turned and left out the front door. He never looked back. For someone like me, who is not a 10, it is crushing.   It is hard to keep trying when I get shot down.  wow.
Why can’t I just get my heart taken out?  It is tired and I wish it would stop trying to reach out to something that is not there.  I see attractive men every day, and they look past me.  It hurts.  I never get noticed.  Is it the color of my hair, or the look of my body or my face.   Yes I guess it is.  Is it the way I stand or the way I sit, yes, I guess it is.  I feel I am no one’s type.  I have a terrible voice and goofy face. I look like a nerd in these glasses.  I know I’m no prize. But I don’t think I deserved that.
I know, there are other fish in the will happen when you least expect door closes, another opens.....I have heard them all.  I’m so mad I could scream, but instead I guess I will cry. 

Some old pictures

I wanted to show a few picture that I found last night,. They came from my old computer.  I had forgotten they existed.  I look funny in them, but that is ok. We all start somewhere.

One of my first drag picture. 1995 ish. Trianlges Club in Lawton OK. My drag mother Todd "krystal" with friend Matt aka "Stormy"and me Mattie.  I am wearing a dress I made. I had like no boobs. funny.

March 2000. GW and I had  dated about 3 months at this time. This was a great memory. Taken at Odd's bar in Wichita Falls.

May 2000. GW and I went out to dinner in OKC during one of his vistis to see me. I snapped this pic outside of the restraunt.
This was me during my blonde phase. I had just won Miss Oklahoma USofA at large. 2002 in Tulsa. These were tears of happiness.

Here are acouple of pics from when I was working at the club in Arlington TX. I miss these gals.  Taken in 2007. Kianna Lee, Chanel MeMasters, Mattie Madison, Robbie.
Robbie, Seirra, Mattie Madison, Candi Carroll

One of the Talent photos from Miss USofA at large 2002.  I did my 1-900-Bubba Talent. 

Friday, August 12, 2011


Right now I am….sitting at my desk at work, but not working very hard.
I am trying….to pretend I am awake; it was a late night last night.
I am thinking…. about my mom, her birthday is Aug 13th. I still celebrate it.
I want…to go home early. I always have a million things to do.
I need…to pay my car payment.  It’s that time again. No worries, I got the money.
I am thankful…I got to see some of my friends last night.  I enjoyed socializing outside of drag.
I am looking for….the shirt I used to love to wear. I think the dryer ate it.
I wonder….if my sister will call me today. I like talking to her.
I miss…breakfast in bed.
I don’t like…guys who wear “guy”-liner on their eyes.  That’s too gay.
I do like…sewing late at night, it is relaxing.
I should…make a “mini-starbucks”. That is taking a packet of hot coco and mix in your coffee. Yum

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am inspired to keep going.  I will replace old dreams with new ones.

new dreams may come

I want to make new dreams, some that are based in achievable measure.  I am just not sure where to start.  I have spent some months thinking about my life’s direction and I feel that I am headed in the right direction.   I hope to continue in that direction.  I need to also realize and accept that I am a good person, I care about others and I would consider myself a good friend.  These are all positive things.  I am also a good entertainer who uses my skills to raise money for charity and balance that with my own goals of competing in pageants. I did not win them all, but I have had success. I have made myself proud.  This is also a good thing. I want new dreams, but I am not sure what they are right now.  I think that is ok.  I just can not lose myself for good, just because I am down. Hang in there, me, we are gonna make it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

time to let go

At some point you have to let go of your dreams.  Today, I may have to do that.  I used to be so hopeful about the future.  I had dreams bigger than big. I had my whole life ahead of me.  I feel that at some point you have to let those go.  Especially when you are the only one that ever believed they could come true. 
Here are things I wanted.  These are the dreams I am letting go today. 
I wanted to be Miss Gay Texas, I had this dream back when the MGT system was strong.  Then it declined in the last few years and now it is a mess.  No one really cares about it anymore.  So  it is best to let that dream go.  There are no good promoters to build it back up.
I also wanted to be Miss Gay America.  I have seen so many inspirational people win Miss America over the past few years, I thought there was hope for me to compete there and be successful. I will never be adored by many, love by some and an inspiration to others.   Ou tof all the thousands who ever had this dream, only about thirty have ever held the title. Now I am too old to be competing with queens in their twenties.  My time is past, it was not meant to be.
I wanted to go back to school, I have some college credits, but I waited too long and now can’t afford to go back.  Also I am too old now.  My life is half over.  I have to worry about retirement and have finally found a job that would be worth keeping for next 20 years.  The pay now is way above average and benefits are good too.  If I work hard, I can move up in the company and retire comfortably. 
I also wanted to have my own dress design business.  I am going to let go of that dream too.  I never went to school to learn how, so my talent was all self taught.  No one ever wanted to invest on a self taught person.  They measure your future success on education.  So I will no longer shoot for that one. 
I will also let go of hope for a new love to come into my life.  I met a few nice guys, but never Mr. Right.  I will accept the fact that single is ok. I guess no one wants a 37 year old plus size drag queen who lives with two dogs.  I will never be able to adopt children, nor have a home of my own.  I always wanted to share it with a husband. So again, I give my self permission to let that dream go to. 
You see, in the beginning of my drag career, I was just a boy in a dress, and then I blossomed into a true entertainer who enjoyed some success.  Then I got old, and now it is time to let go of my dreams.  So I now have to break my own heart and let it go.  It is never going to happen.  It is time to let go.

Monday, August 8, 2011

adrenaline rush

There are two times, when I can’t hear. I know that sounds funny. My mind gets so over loaded with emotions that my hearing goes mute.  One is when I am sad.  The worst is when some one close dies.  That is always an emotional time.  It is like my brain shuts down, I can not hear anyone comforting me, nor do I remember what is said later.  When I lost my mom, the hospital called me from back home.  North Texas has just been blasted with an ice storm and a few inches of snow on top of that.  The hospital called me at 11 am.  My mom who suffered from diabetes for years had died of renal failure in the hospital.  I heard the words and then went numb. The normal drive of two hours, took 4 hours because of the weather.  I remember I had packed a bag, and got dressed.  I know I was crying uncontrollably.  I also remember I could not hear.  My mind was racing but I don’t even know what I said or was said to me.  I remember seeing things happening but being so over whelmed that my ears did not work.  The grief was too much I guess. 
I also get like this when I am mad.  I am usually a nice person, but when something makes me seriously angry, that is it.  I can’t seem to focus enough to hear.  I am like a bull, seeing red.  Funny thing I seem to get real straight when I’m angry.  Then I calm down and I am ok again.  I’m glad that does not happen very often.  I think it may be the sudden adrenaline rush. 

I did some research and here is what I found out.  I may have a real condition, that is triggered  by stress:
Adrenaline rush refers to an activity of the adrenal gland in a fight-or-flight response, when it is releasing adrenaline (epinephrine). When releasing adrenaline, one's body releases dopamine and can act as a natural pain killer. A chronic hyper-adrenaline is a common symptom of an anxiety disorder. An adrenaline rush causes the muscles to perform respiration at an increased rate improving strength. It also works with the nervous system to interpret impulses that trigger selective glands. Common symptoms that sufferers of acute stress disorder experience are: numbing; detachment; derealization; depersonalization or dissociative amnesia; continued re-experiencing of the event by such ways as thoughts, dreams, and flashbacks; and avoidance of any stimulation that reminds them of the event. During this time, they must have symptoms of anxiety, and significant impairment in at least one essential area of functioning.
In my quest for self understanding, I thought this was interesting.  I am not a doctor, nor do I feel this is abnormal.  There are treatments, such as drug therapies’ that can last up to four weeks, but symptoms usually work the selves out, according to what I read.  Interesting, very interesting.  My body has coping mechanisms I didn’t even know about. 

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...