Monday, December 10, 2012

Sewing and show

dancing my ass off at Garlows Toys for Tots show
Well I have returned back to doing shows.  The last few shows have been good. I did one two weeks ago locally.  I made a new costume, 31 yards of fringe.  I was very pleased with how it turned out. Then at the show I danced my ass off.  Plus we had a great crowd!  I feel stronger and more confident that things are headed in the right direction. 
Being sick for the last few months has been very scary for me and my friends/ family.  It seemed that my life had become nothing but work, doctor appointments, tests and physical limitations.  Illness has been difficult for me mentally too.  I was weak.  I was trying to put on a brave face.  I didn’t like being dependant on others.  I didn’t want to be a burden.  Now I am improving and feel mentally better too.  I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, how was I going to pay all these bills, plus work and visit the different doctors.  I had cried way too many times over the last few months.  The support of friends and family has been amazing.  I really could not do anything, but take it one day/challenge at a time.  I had gone back to working full time right after getting out of the hospital.  But honestly, I was not well.  I had no choice.  Money pays the bills.  So every day, I struggled to be there, be productive and just earn a living.  I had also been helped by my family and friends with groceries and gas money when I needed it.  These small gifts really helped me get by as I recovered.  They also let me know that other cared about my well being.  I returned to the Lung specialist and he was pleased with my progress.  I have some scarring in my lungs, but overall my pneumonia is healed.  My oxygen level are 99%. I was happy with his results. I don’t have to go back to him anymore.  I just go to my regular doctor now.  (one less  doctor to see!)
I know that friends who faced similar health issues understand.  I have another friend who was diagnosed with diabetes and she worries about being able to financially afford to take care of herself.  I just recently got received the hospital bill. It was over $28,000 for my six day stay in the hospital.  My insurance paid the majority but there is still part that needs to be paid.  I guess it is like the old saying ‘you can’t get blood from a turnip’.  I will pay what I can and try not to stress about the balance that will carry over every month.  I will just paying what I can. 
  I am more of my old self than in recent months.  I traveled out of town this last weekend and had a great show.  I got to see some of my friends and help out a great charity organization.  We raised money for Toys for Tots.  There are many groups that do this kind of fund raising.  Many children will enjoy a brighter Christmas.  I was just glad to help and be apart of the effort again this year. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed shopping for the kids too.  We raised 4700 in cash, a donor gave 2200 in new bicycles, and another donated about $500 worth of new helmets to go with them.  The total raised was about 7000$ total!  That felt awesome to be a part of it! 

Singing at the Toys for Tots Show at Garlows
Toys for Tots shopping trip the morning after the fundraiser. Our group donated 4700$ in toys! I was so proud.  

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