Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Phoenix Rising OKC

Ronald, my sister Anita and Me in OKC Memeorial Weekend
Me at the Phoenix Rising Club in OKC.  I like this picture.
Nothing more fun than watching a good show.

Me on Balcony over looking patio at S4- Dallas

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still traveling

 I started traveling for shows back in 1995.  I was in my early twenties and was working full time.  I spent my weekends traveling on my own to larger cities like Dallas and Oklahoma City. I would pay my own way to get here and most times just worked for tips.  I didn’t mind too much, it was the exposure I was after.  Plus it gave the opportunity to meet more people.  I was already near the top of the group locally and I wanted to push on to bigger and better things.  I was using my day job to support my weekend career goals.  It was the oldest story in the book, construction worker by day, beauty queen by night.  I would pack up my car and travel anywhere I could get a booking.  I loved being in new cities.  This was years before such things as social net working.  Unless you were out there pushing your name, no one knew who you were.  There was some back lash.  Many of the local girls were jealous. I know they would never admit it.  But they were.  They talked about me, lied about me and tried to convince me, that I was wasting my time.   I don’t think they truly understood why I was doing it. I wanted more, I wanted out and I wanted to find a place where I would be happy.  It was the passion for female impersonation that still drives me today. 
I have had some great successes and I have been places I never thought I would go.  I had a lot of time to reflect on this weekend.  I spent most of my time driving.  In fact if you had told me a week ago that I would  be in high whore drag, ridding in a limo. I would have laughed. It was only a few hours earlier that I was checking into a local hotel.  I was looking like a plain ordinary guy.  But after paint and wardrobe, I was transformed into a superstar.   But this past weekend, it happened.  Yes I rode in a limo.  It was fun.  I was with a group of friends out of town.  And a limo took us on a ride from bar to bar.  The best part was stepping out of the limo and seeing the people faces.  Then the whole entourage gets out with me.  We were like celebrities, drag celebrities anyway.  We quickly put on our crowns and smiled as we were ushered in the club.  I adjusted my crown in the reflection of the window.  Everyone wanted to know who We were.  That was fun. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

upcoming dates

May 12th  Garlows in Gun Barrel City
May 18th OKC
May19th RMC in Longview
May 25th & 26th  San Antonio
June 2nd Miss Silver Star Prelim – Longview
June 10th Best Friends Fort Worth

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a thought

I am short on time today, But I am challenging my self to write some thing.   

Today I love my sister, because she continually makes me laugh.  She is also the person who continues motivate me and tell me it will all be ok. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

a short but true story

True story. 
Summers in Texas get so hot.  I grew up here so I am used to it.  In the summer it is not unusual to have 100 degree days that turn into weeks.  The summer heat does not usually break until about October.  As a kid, we enjoyed playing out side and during the hottest part of the day, we stayed inside.  Poor kids in town either went to the local pool or we wasted water in our own yards with back yard wading pools and water sprinklers.  There are different kinds of play pools.  Some are blow up plastic pools that you then fill with water.  Or you could buy the ones from the local dollar store that were blue ridged plastic and decorated with fish and ocean motif.  My mom would buy the blue plastic ones.  They were not too expensive and served us with hours of play time and cool break from the Texas summer heat.  One time my mom took three of us kids to buy the pool.  Of course, we wanted the largest one.  The problem came when we were trying to take it home.  It would not fit in the back of the station wagon.  And  you should never bend your pool for fear it might crack and break.  Afterall it was just plastic.  So we did what any mom and children would do.  Yes we put it on the top of the car.  My brother and sister would hold the sides of the pool with their arms out the windows.  And I was selected to sit inside the pool and weight it down.  Yes, on top of the roof of the car.  I’m sure we looked like a crazy bunch of nuts driving down the street and me ducking when cars past.  I remember being embarrassed and not wanting anyone to see me up there.  My mothers best advise was “ it will be ok, I will drive slow”.  But we got our pool and played with it all summer.  That is until by brother bent the side and it cracked.  The water was cool fun while it lasted. 

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...