Friday, June 24, 2011

Finding Rachel Wells

I have not been able to update my blog this week.  I have been extremely busy with work, plus I made a new/old friend.  I was clicking around on the internet earlier this week.  My goal was to catch up on some drag gossip and find out who the new winner were from the MGA website.   For those who don’t know, the Miss Gay America web site is excellent for reading about other state, regional and national pageants.  I enjoy seeing who is competing this year. 
Rachel Wells MGA 1979
I came across a link to a most interesting web page.  It was written by Mr. JR Greenwell.   Some how,  by fate. I had found Rachel Wells memoir.  It was the name of a legend.  Rachel was Miss Gay America 1979.  Her story was one I didn’t know too much about. I have video of her in a pageant from 1985.  My information was limited until I read her memoir.  To be honest, it was long and fascinating.  Rachel’s story was about her rise from humble drag beginnings in the Atlanta area.  She told of her trials and struggles.  Her story spoke to my heart.  I felt her pain in the loss of her identity. She said it was hard living two lives with only one body.  The memoir was a stunning look into the history of gay men, female impersonation and life in Atlanta.  I managed to find an email to Mr. Greenwell.  He is the artist formally known as Rachael Wells. I sent him a personal email thanking him for his story.   He is a bit older and lives in Ky.  The ending potion of the book made be cry.  He ended by telling of his last performance as Rachael Wells and how it was time to finally let the persona go.  He made his own personal tribute to her.  He also concluded with a final statement.  Life was good, even without a tiara on my head.” 
I want everyone I know to read this memoir.  There are pictures on the web page and also more of Mr. Greenwell’s play and articles.  Also I received a reply back from Mr. Greenwell today. He was warm and friendly in his reply.  I thought about posting it, but it was personal.  I dont think I could.  I hope to someday meet him in person. I know I would cry if I ever did.   I would love to keep in touch with him.  But I am sure to him, I am a stranger.  His life has touched mine.  And Rachel Wells legacy will forever be part of history. 

1 comment:

Mattie Madison said...

Rachel Wells is still an inspiration.

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