Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Queen amoung queens

I recently discovered the memoir of Rachel Wells.  She is my new inspiration.  In fact, I have started reading it again.  I have never done that before.  It got me thinking of some of the Miss Gay Amricas that I knew or have met over my years in drag.  I made a list.
Rachael Erricks: I met Rachel when I moved to OKC in 2000.  She was working at Angles and was involved in pageants.  I was new and started entering pageants in order to gain experience and exposure in my new city. Rachel booked me as a guest spot in her shows on sun nights.  She was great to work with.   Rachel was Miss Oklahoma in 1994.  She had competed at Miss Gay America several times, and she I was so happy when she finally won.  She was always a pro.  She had a goal and worked hard to achieve it.  She has my love and respect. I had made a costume for a one of her shows.  She gave me the nick name “crafty sue”.
Sabrina White-  I did not know too much about Sabrina until she was already Miss America.  I saw pictures of her.  She looked stunning in gown.  She made a point to support all of the other national pageant systems.  She gave me a head shot and signed it for me.  I was surprised to read the dedication.  She already knew my name and wished me good luck at my upcoming appearance at Miss Gay USofA at Large.  I had just won Miss Oklahoma At Large. Wow, I thought.  She knew who I was.  She was a great Miss Gay America.
Hot Chocolate- I met hot Chocolate in Dallas about 10 years ago.  She was a special guest in the Rose Room.  She was very entertaining and the crowd roared for her.  I met her back stage, a true professional, and super friendly.  Another legend. 
Patti LaPlae Safe-  I have worked in several shows with Patti.  She is involved in Dallas area charity fund raising ventures.  I met her originally about 8 years ago, at the MGA contest in Little Rock.  She was a former  MGA and spent time backstage coordinating the dressing room and acting a liaison during the pageant.  I was there as a back up dancer for a friend who was competing.  She has also judged me when I competed for Miss Gay Texas last year.  I did not always agree with her opinion, but I always respect her for her honesty. She is a tough judge.
Charity Case- The first time I saw Charity Case was in the old Rose Room.  She was a guest entertainer.  I was very new and it was one of the few times I had ever seen a real show.  She is a plus size person, and I remember thinking, wow, it is good to see some one more like me, up there.  We are not all built like Maya Douglas. Charity was also the liaison for Miss Gay Texas the first year I competed.  It was 2002.  I have respect for Charity.  She worked hard for a lot of years before becoming Miss Gay America.  She is very friendly and supportive of other girls. 
Victoria Depaula-  I had seen Victoria compete several years before stepping up to Miss Gay America.  She always had class.  She had a drive and flair that help her reach her goal.  She was very nice and professional when she came to Texas for our state pageant.  She was known for her creative competition  talents. She did Wicked for talent with flying moneys and all when she won MGA.  She loved my Hair Spray talent that I did at Miss Texas that year.  She was also glad to see me place 2nd alt to Miss Gay Texas that year.  She pushed me to keep going,
Tasha Kohl-  I saw a video tape of Tasha about ten years ago.  The tape was from 1985.  She was a legend in her day.  She was lives here in Ft. Worth, but is not a regular performer any more.  I heard she books large shows a couple of times a year.  I saw her advertised on a gay cruise ship tour.  I met her in person one night at Best friends club in Ft worth.  I was introduced to Kohl by a friend.  I had no idea it was the leagendary Tasha Kohl.  She was very handsome as a man.  Once I was told who he was, I felt like an idiot for asking so many questions.  He took it all in stride.  I was honored to meet him and talk to him.  I most recently worked in a show with him in Ft Worth.  He was very friendly and remembered my from the first time we met.  It was a dream come true to work with a legend.
Rachael Wells-  Rachel was MGA 1979.  I have a special relationship with Rachel Wells.  I read her memoir and felt compelled to write to her.  And guess what happened, he wrote back.  It was my ‘julie and Julia’ moment.   He does not perform as Rachel anymore.  His story of life and pageants is an inspiration.  I love Rachel Wells.  My goal is to meet him one day soon.  Even if I have to drive to Kentucky. 
Catia Lee Love- Catia is another one of my Oklahoma girls. She was from Tulsa.  In fact if my memory serves,  I has in OKC when she stepped up as Miss Gay Oklahoma.  She passed me in the hallway of the hotel and everyone said she was the one to beat that night.  It took a few more years for her to Win MGA, but it was a great day when she did.  She truly deserved to win.  You don’t know how humble you beginning can be until you worked drag in Tulsa of all places.  It is not Las Vegas.  But Catia is professional who could make it anywhere. 

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