Thursday, June 9, 2011

be a class act

I was reading someone else’s blog. ( yes I can read.)  It was written by a drag queen in Ohio. Apparently she was rejected by the Rupaul show.  She was not happy about it. Really? Being on a show like that is not the end of the world.  She wanted badly to get what she deserved in life.  She was sarcastic and brassy and her blog read like a night at a cheap drag show.  One liner after one liner.  I was a little offended.  It was like a B version of funny.  Her potty humor made drag queens seem bitter, mean and rude.  Every night in bars and club across the country, these types of queens exist. They are bad stand up comedians, while wearing bad clothes, bad make up and bad hair.  Every city has their local bar wenches.  They think a vulgar attitude is going to make them popular. Well, Miss Nobody In Ohio, it seems you have already gotten what you deserve…  A whole bunch of nothing.   Why? Because you have no class.
We all have choices in our career.  We can choose to be mean, rude and catty. That is a stereotypical drag queen that every one is familiar with. Or we can be a class act.  I have never tried to make my money by conforming to what other thought a drag queen was supposed to be.  I really feel to be a success, you have to be able to look behind you and see the impact you have made.  I sometimes have to remind my self of this.  I saw it this past weekend.  I competed in a pageant here locally.  I pulled it all together and was the winner.  Being the winner was not the true success that night.  I could see the crowd was no longer a nameless group that clapped. It was my friends who appreciated me. They cheered and genuinely applauded my efforts.  I try to conduct myself with class.  I work hard at my craft.  I respect others who do the same thing. We are all people under all the costumes and face paint.  It is better to measure a queen by the size of her heart.  If a queen has not heart in what she does, she is just a man playing pretend.


Anonymous said...

Mattie Madison, you are always a class act! There is nothing you can't do. I always have faith in you!

Anonymous said...

Mattie, your the classiest girlish I know hell most girls don't measure up

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