Sunday, January 19, 2014

Im still here -updated

It’s been several months since I have written anything.  I took a step back from a lot of things including drag and friends. I had even created a simple Face book account using my middle name. I deactivated my drag account for over a month.   I wanted to distance myself from my drag persona.  I need to work on the real me,  I wanted to be a strong man not a weak queen hiding behind the makeup.   I used this time to work on myself self-esteem and mental health.  It was totally worth it.  I have to catch you up on my personal life.  It was hard to face the facts that Scott and I had broken up.  I was so lost and need to find myself again.  Well I am here today to tell you,  I am an amazing guy.  I am worth having and that there are other fish in the sea.  I even met a few.  Each one saw what I was discovering.  I am a great guy,  and the new found changes we shining through.  I was dating a great guy who seem to really care for me.   We would enjoy evenings together and dinner together.  He was super sweet and had even brought me flowers.  We had gone to dinner one Saturday and texted after I went back home.  I was not surprised when my phone rang late that evening.   But it was not him.  A number came up with out a name.  I was surprised and shocked.  It was Scott's number.  I had worked so hard to put all that drama behind me and  now he was calling me late at night.  I knew it had to be important.
I answered.  It was late, but Scott asked how I was.  I knew I was in a more solid state of mind and had really worked hard to get there.  I replied, “fine. How are you”  He said he was fine too.  I moment of confusion came over me.   He said I had been on his mind and he wanted to make sure I was doing ok.  I was more than Ok, I was whole again.  That was nice of him to ask,  but perhaps he was just easing his conscience about the way  he had broken my heart.  I kept my guard up.   I had just gotten home from a date, it was late and now my ex Scott was calling me.  A million things rolled through my mind.  We chatted for a few minutes.  Scott told me that I had been on his mind and he never stopped caring about me.  He also told me that he was glad to hear that I as doing so well.  He could tell from my voice that I had finally found my strength; something that he said was there all along.  He also was glad to hear that I had met someone new, although he seemed surprised.  I was glad that I was able to handle our conversation with our breaking into tears.  He also asked if I would be open to meeting, maybe we could talk and see if we could be friends again.  After all, we were friends for many years prior to becoming romantically involved.  I said yes, I could handle that at some point.  Scott interjected.  “I’d like to see you tonight”. He continued, “I’m on my way to your house now, I just exited on 183”.  I did not know that during our conversation, he was enroute to my apartment in Irving. Scott was only a few minutes I said yes to seeing him, but had no idea that it was happening that night.  I said ok and quickly wrapped up our conversation.  He would be there in minutes.  I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt.  I quickly moved the fresh flowers of the dining room table and put them in the lower kitchen cabinet.  I didn’t feel it was Scott’s business to he details of my current romantic interest.  That guy had given flowers before our date.  I heard a knock, it was Scott.  He quickly gave me a peck on the lips and a hug.  I invited him into the living room.  We stood chatting for a minute and then sat on the couch together.  It was a very awkward feeling. Scott was back in my apartment.  I really thought he hated me.  Or perhaps I was the worst mistake he had ever made.  Why would he want to by my friend?  There were so many issues between us. These Issues drove him to walk out of my life.  I had spent many counseling secessions trying to come to terms with our failed relationship and broken view of myself.  I was stronger by leaps and bounds. I knew it.  I was also happy just being myself again.  I was doing the things that make me happy and honestly I was dating two other guys.  None of them exclusively,  I was not looking to jump in the sack with anyone
either.  Scott seemed a little uncomfortable. I could tell he wanted to tell me something. 

He told me that he missed me, and that he was glad to see that I was stronger.  I missed him too.  I was reminded of the note in my wallet.  I had written it down and carried it with me. It simply said, “no matter how much I love you, you were not good for me”   I meant it when I wrote it.  I had faced the fact that the relationship we had was over, and It was not mentally healthy for me.  I knew I loved him. That was the bottom line. I had never stopped.  I had other interest with someone else.  I needed to sort this out for myself.  Scott stayed the night with me and we cuddled.  It was very special.  Apparently he still loved me too and  we both did not know what that meant.  I was unsure of what to do.  Scott and I spent Thanksgiving apart. He and I called and text that weekend.  I had plans to see one of the guys I had met.  I was honest and told Scott.  In fact I think he was understandably jealous.  But why?  After all he had walked out on me, I did not owe him another chance.    How could I reconcile with someone who hurt me so terribly.  I had forgiven him  after that and found myself again.  Other guys eager to date me and so was Scott.  I kept asking my self, what to do.  I wrestled with it for days.  Unfortunately I would have to hurt someone I cared about. I hated being the jerk.  But who would I choose.  How do I decide.  I felt it was best to spend a little time with each. And then eliminate someone.  So I did.  I tried to be as kind as possible to tell guy number one, that I could not see him anymore.  I really meant what I told him, that he was a great guy. And I hoped that some new would come his way.  I knew Scott was trying to patient.  I was now down to two guys.  Both had great qualities but my love for Scott, outweighed  everything else.  I had to call the other guy and let him down. I tried to be as honest as I could.  I also told him that our relationship had been great, and hoped someone new would be the man of his dreams.  I could never be that because I was still in love with my ex, Scott.  Yes, I had chosen to reconcile with Scott and I knew it would not be easy.  But Scott was who I always wanted. When I said I loved him the very first time, I knew I always would.  That is just how my heart works.  We had our issues and deep down were willing to work on it.  It took some time to see how much he had changed and how committed he was to making our relationship work.  I also used my new inner strength too.  I was finally seeing the man I love emerge.  I also tried hard to be the man who was strong enough to handle our new relationship.  Everything I been through had happened for a reason.  I accepted myself, I found my inner strength, and realized that I was worth having.  Scott also had grown as a person and his commitment to our relationship was evident.  We continue to had ups and down but have never been happier.  We also took an extended weekend trip to Springfield Mo and Eureka Springs AK.  It was a great time, and it snowed. Eureka Springs looked like Santa’s village.  We also did some shopping while we were there.  We found some rings and we discussed the idea of marriage.  We decided to honor our anniversary but getting married in April 2014.  We had a new lease on love and a new engagement to celebrate with our first Christmas together.  I was so happy to have him back in my life and even happier to see that no matter how rocky things may get, Scott was here to stay.  He told me that breaking up was not an option anymore.  I am looking forward to our ceremony and reception.  It will held in Dallas and then we will fly to New York City to be legally married.  PS...I threw that note away.  

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...