Wednesday, August 17, 2016

a memory

I was in second grade we were split into small groups of five each.  We had to make a sports poster.  we decided to make a basket ball player.  So I was picked to be the model. Perhaps because I was tall.  I laid down on white paper and the others traced around me with pencil.  I posed like I was making a lay-up with one foot off the ground and an arm extended up like i was pushing the ball into the air.  We drew a circle for the ball. We then painted a uniform on our basketball man and even up a number on his back as if he was on a team. we gave him white sock with painted red stripes.  Those were popular during the time. after we got our project done we were so proud of it.  It hung on the wall of our class all year.

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...