Monday, July 25, 2011

Job well done staff

My trunk show was a success.  I have been sewing my fingers to the nub getting ready for this sale. I managed to complete the last five of my gowns the week before the event. Once complete, I had my sister add rhinestones to them.  I don’t mind stoning a gown, but it takes some of the work load off of me if I let her do it.  She does a clean job and I just tell her what needs done.  She is my unpaid intern.  (She hates when I say that)  My sister and I had been up all night finishing a gown for my BFF Kandace P’vey.  Kandace is a great friend who has helped me out in the past.  She brought me the fabrics and asked for a gown.  I could not disappoint her.  It was worth it to see her look so beautiful in her new gown.  Plus it helped my business too.  She is a great promoter of my handy work and loves telling everyone about the quality of my work.

Mattie and Kandace

I did a good business on Saturday.  I have been doing my trunk sales for two years and it has become a good side business for me.  I had a great selection this time. I have been doing a lot of symmetrical and multi fabric gowns.  I was concerned because sales were slow at first.   I had invested so much in fabrics and rhinestones/beads, I was not sure it would pay off.  Also I had put in hours of work.   I had a lot of lookers, but few buyers at first.  Then like a whirlwind, I made my first sale.  Then I made several more sales.  I stayed positive and the day ended on a profitable note.  Plus I make a lot of contacts with customers who need more gowns done later on.  That keeps me busy all year.  I had several clients place special orders with me on Saturday.  It was good to know my work is appreciated.  There were many girls wearing a Mattie Madison Original gowns at the Coronation Ball that night.  Each one was unique and amazing.  I was proud to see my friend Scarlett Rain back in drag after a short absence.  She looked great in her new red and berry colored gown.  It fit her perfect.  As a spectator, it was easy to spot my gowns prancing around the ball room.  I brought several dresses back home, but that is to be expected. I will store them.  I will make some calls and see if any other local girls would be interested in them. Every girl needs a new dress now and then.
(Also I spoke to a friend about creating a site for my dresses to be sold online.  I tried this once before, but the guy who started working on it, flaked out.  If I had more time, I would do it myself.  It is hard enough being a one man show.  I am already the owner, designer, sales associate/cashier, and the road crew. ) I am going to deposit my money and relax all this week.  I am going to send a thank you memo to the entire staff “Another  job well done”. And special thanks to my intern Wendy.

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