Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Annie Jr- a learning expreicence

I was asked recently to help with a school production of Annie Jr.  My friend Kevin is the drama teacher at a local Fine Arts Academy.  I met him about a year ago.  He was at a drag show and we became friends.  He wanted some help with hair and makeup for his play.  The students were in charge of creating a look for each character.  I borrowed some wigs from a friend. It really made the characters looks very professional.  The kids had a four day run. Over all it was six performances. I enjoyed helping the kids back stage and getting to know the teachers from the school.  There was only one hiccup when a particular student was resistant to my suggestions.  She had some attitude about it. I spoke to Kevin, the director and he was able to speak to the students. It felt good to know he had my back.  It was resolved quickly.
We made it through the production without any other issues.  Except with the light went out.  On Saturday, I arrived at 1pm for the first show. The theater was dark, and it seemed odd.  I found one of the teachers, a friendly woman who was the stage manager for the play.  She told me a car accident nearby, knocked out the power for the nearby down town area.  The theater was on backup power only.   Kids were half in makeup but unfortunately the 2pm show was cancelled.  There was some confusion about if the 7pm would happen. The electric company was working to restore full power.  The kids, who had been double cast, were willing to let other take the role for the night, because they had family coming to watch. I thought that was very considerate.  I went for a late lunch with friends and by 5pm the power was back on.
  I worked with mostly with the principle actors. I help them don wigs and touch up makeup.  I got to know a few of them, and could tell they were very talented.  As a group the orphans were so stinking cute.  You could tell they put their hearts into it.  The Miss Hannigan actress was very professional. She had a big personality that really fit the character.  My favorite was the actress that played Lily. She was so nice backstage and looked so pretty with a face full of makeup.  She let me work on her wig and it really looked great.

It felt good to show my makeup skills and be among students who have a similar passion for creating characters and bring it to the stage.  After all that is what drag is to me.  I am an actor too.  The fine arts school is amazing. They nurture the students’ abilities in acting, dance and singing.  We didn’t have any schools like this when I grew up.  If they had, I would have wanted to attend there.  I guess not everyone has those advantages.  The closest I got was being in one act play.  I must not have been very good, I only got minor roles.  I wish my teacher had shown more interest in me. It’s great to see how Kevin relates to his students.  The world needs teachers like him. I hope he is pleased with my help.  It was a learning experience and I enjoyed it. 

I have some pictures, but I don't feel I should post them. The students are under 18 and I don't have permission. 

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