Friday, January 13, 2012

Its been an intersting week.

It has been an intersting week to say the least.  I have hung out with friends, worked, helped another friend plann for a pageant, started sewing a sample costume for a girl. Had three phone calls from others regarding dress. I had anohte friend wanting to barrow a few things for a show and worked and worked and worked.  I tell you, I am the center of the universe right now.  We have our next prrlim pageant for Miss texas State at Large pageant in  about two weeks. I need to start getting my self ready. I will be the featured entertainer since I am the reigning Miss TX State at large.  I hope to work on my own stuff this weekend.  Plus My cousin is coming to town. We are supposed to go out on saturday night with a gourp of my friends. 

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Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...