Friday, November 16, 2012

stars and moonlight

Once when I was in maybe 7th grade, the school took us on a night time field trip.  It was necessary to go at night so we could see the stars.  We were learning about astronomy in science class.  The Principal was a amateur star gazer with a personal telescope.  It was neat to see the star that had hovered over my head every night of my life. I had never really looked at them.   Each star has a unique place in the night sky.  Some shine brighter but each is special.  There used to be advertising on TV infomercials that you could call and sign up to name a star.  You would name a star and get a certificate claiming the right o name it all for a small fee. Back then, the most common price for anything you saw on TV was $19.95.  It was an evening filed trip that required all the students, teachers and parents meeting at the local Jr. High school. Then we all boarded a bus and travel about 5 miles out of town.  There was an oil well and storage tank facility on the outskirts of town.  Like most oil producers in the area, these storage tanks located just off the main highway.  Large trucks can easily access them and pump oil and water that is used in producing wells.  These large flat areas made a perfect spot for parking a bus full of kids and setting up a telescope in the open cleared area.  We would be shielded from the lights of the local town by the small hills that surrounded that side of town.  The stars and moon light were bright enough to light the area, even at night.  It only took a minute for our eyes to adjust to the dark.  The human eye is a great thing; it allows you to see more clearly even in low light.  We talked about the role of the universe and how stars are formed. We also had a general over view of what we had learned in class.  We each took turns view different constellations and clusters in the night sky.  We observed the Milky Way and the North Star.   It was a fun and different kind of field trip.  I’m sure I can’t remember everything I learned but I do remember the fact that learning was fun. Every time I look up at the stars I remember that field trip.  You don’t see many stars in the Dallas area, it would be nice to travel to a secluded area to watch the stars and enjoy the moonlight.

Friday, November 9, 2012

school picture

This was too cute not to share.  My sister in OKC sent me this.   I have not seen it in maybe 25 years.  My mom had picutres from us kids in school, but so many are gone now.  A girl I went to school with posted this on FB.  She and I were in the same class, but are not friends now. My sister said there are more out there, I will see what else turns up and add them.

But there I am in 1st grade.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

feeling better

I am feeling so much better today. I was able to walk all the way in to work, with out bunny –hopping through the lobby.  In previous days, I would get so winded that I would walk from the car to the front door at work and sit to catch my breath.  Then I would walk from the lobby to the elevator. I would get off the elevator and sit in the chairs near by.  Then once I caught my breath again, I would continue to my work department.  These shorter trips would help me “catch-up” and make it to my desk.  Pneumonia made me weak for several weeks.  My doctor appointment yesterday was a good one.  My weight is back up. My lungs are healing and ox levels are up.  I am also very pleased with my new doctor.  I and have access to her and her office staff 24hrs via the internet portal they have set up.  How cool is that. Work is going well; my boss is allowing me to flex my hours in order to go to my appointments.  That means is I take and hour on off, I can stay late on another day to make up for it.  My doctor encouraged me to start walking like I was before.  This will build me muscles and stamina.  Things are looking up.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I played little league baseball.  I was not very good at it.  My mom signed me and brother up.  It was pretty much free for any of the local kids in town. I think there was a small fee and the uniforms were sponsored by local businesses. It was the early eighties.  We had a few girls who played too but that was not common.  It was less diversified than it would be today.  In fact the girl who played in my age group is now an adult lesbian. I remember she was one of the best players. Our team was the Royals.   We even had a female coach. Her name was Midge. Her son was on our team too.  Midge was not very pretty, if fact she was kind rough around the edges to say the least. When Midge talked, you listened. Or she would tell your mom.  She understood the game and liked kids. Midge made the game fun even the fat kid in far right field.  Yep that was me.  I remember sitting in the grass picking dandelions.  Not much action ever happens in far right field.  Most players are right handed and hit the ball to the left field. That is where the action was.  I saw more action from the coach’s practice hits than I ever did in a real game. Midge would holler “look alive out there”.  That meant get ready, get off your butt and I’m gonna hit one in your direction.  She would hit one to me and I would have to catch it, or chase it.  She also taught us the game.  Not that I am an expert.  But some times I understand what going on if I see a game on TV. 
We had practice four evening a week.  There is a baseball field on the west side of town.  It was called Biggs Field.  I don’t know who “Biggs” was, but the ball park was pretty small. It was nothing fancy. Games were played on the main field.  Practices took place other the dirt ball fields behind the main field. Some teams practiced at empty lots around town due to limited access.  The main field was surrounded by chain link fence.  It had bleachers, cinder block dugouts, and a concession stand that served from both sides and sat right behind home plate.  The mom’s who worked the concession stand always bragged that they had the best seats in town.  They could practically look over the umpires should and make the call themselves. Parents would fill the stands all season, every Saturday.  The games were pretty much back to back.  Starting with the youngest kids in the morning and carried on in to the afternoon.  Then in the evening, the older teenagers played. By this time they had to the turn on the lights because the sun was going down. Some times parents would sit in their cars and watch the games.  My mom said it was so they could drink and smoke cigarettes.  That was one thing adults were not allowed to do in the stands.  After all, this was a family sport. They would park around the perimeter of the field and pull right up to the fence.  The only draw back was getting your windshield broken by a foul ball.  I remember it happened to Ida Livingston’s van.  She was very unhappy.  She was a local mom, who son played ball with the teenage teams.  I remember too, if you caught a foul ball, you got a free snow cone. 
I think our team was probably average.  We finished the season.  We didn’t get the big trophies like the top team did.  But it was a positive experience.  I got me involved with my peers and my mom got a lot of dandelion bouquets that summer.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fire up the sewing machine.

I guess I will make s list of thing I need to work on.  Since I have not booked any shows, I can use d my down time to do some sewing.
I need to sew a dress for Lipps LaRue of Dallas.  She has already pre-paid for a couple of dresses.  She was kind enough to help me by paying up front. Now it is time for me to deliver some things amazing for her.  I had wanted to get started on this a few weeks ago, but that was when I was sick.  Now that I have the time. This should me be my number one project.  She is interested in something similar to Jacquelyn Chatelaine’s “peacock color” dress. I posted picture of it previously.  She loved the flowing over skirt and  sparkle.  I start brain storming this weekend at home. 
I need too also look and see who else I have put off.  Maybe I can ask around and see who needs some costumes/dresses made.   That would generate some cash if I get a few orders.  Or maybe I will sell of the ones I recently made for myself.  I will make a few calls.

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...