Wednesday, November 7, 2012

feeling better

I am feeling so much better today. I was able to walk all the way in to work, with out bunny –hopping through the lobby.  In previous days, I would get so winded that I would walk from the car to the front door at work and sit to catch my breath.  Then I would walk from the lobby to the elevator. I would get off the elevator and sit in the chairs near by.  Then once I caught my breath again, I would continue to my work department.  These shorter trips would help me “catch-up” and make it to my desk.  Pneumonia made me weak for several weeks.  My doctor appointment yesterday was a good one.  My weight is back up. My lungs are healing and ox levels are up.  I am also very pleased with my new doctor.  I and have access to her and her office staff 24hrs via the internet portal they have set up.  How cool is that. Work is going well; my boss is allowing me to flex my hours in order to go to my appointments.  That means is I take and hour on off, I can stay late on another day to make up for it.  My doctor encouraged me to start walking like I was before.  This will build me muscles and stamina.  Things are looking up.

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Spring track meet 1985

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