Friday, December 14, 2012

Packing and upcoming move.

I wrote this quickly and as usual, I am sure ther are alot of spelling and grammer mistakes:  But here you go world.....
This has been the longest week ever.  I have not so busy at work. But the days seemed to drag by slowly.  I have been tired a lot and not too sure about my upcoming move. I have been packing slowly will do more on saturday  and sunday.  I have to pack all my stuff up and be ready to move in a few weeks.  Just days after Christmas. I am sorting, cleaning and fixing things as I go.  It is heard to believe that I still have so much stuff even after giving away things every time I move.  I have two of every thing it seems.  That is an ok thing , if it were money. There is never enough of that to go around.  In fact I have toyed with the idea of selling some of my antiques on ebay.  I have pottery collection, lead crystal, china, and antiques all that seem to collect duct. I have a saying; if you don’t need it you have to kiss it and say good bye to it. That may mean clearing out the clutter, selling unwanted items or just giving things away. I have so many treasures that I inherited from GW.  But maybe it is time to down size.  I don’t like moving.  I guess that explains why I have been in the same apartment for four years.  It is time for some fresh paint and a new start for 2013.  I always say I have two of everything and I probably do.  I have my coat closet with boxes from the last time I moved.  They will get moved from one closet to the other. 
There are some positive notes to this move.  It is only a short local move.  I am staying in Irving.  So I should be able to move the big stuff in one day. Plus I have freinds who will help me. That should cut down on the moving expense.  Also I am moving into a bigger apartment.   I have several living room pieces including two large book shelves, sectional sofa, recliner and large coffee table. Man, I have a lot of stuff.  Plus bed room furniture and Washer and dryer.  And closet full of drag, fabrics, and craft supplies.  I can feel the stress coming on again.  Maybe I should not think about it. 
I will also be down sizing my fabrics and crafts.  Many times I buy inexpensive crafts, trims and fabrics and them store them until I have a creative idea for them. Very seldom do I buy a fabric with a true idea of what it will become. I create as I go.  Also I try not to waste anything.  Large scraps can always be paired with solids and make a whole new garment.  I joke and say to the girls in the show" wht, you like this old peice of scraps" . They always laugh, but scraps keep my outfits unique and eyecatching. This challenges my creativity and sewing skill.  I usually let the project create itself.  The design is some times dictated by the availability of materials.  For example, yellow.  I have enough fabric for a yellow gown.  I may also have a yard of orange as accent color.  I then pull out all my trims that go with yellow.  Such as stones, appliqués, beads, trims.  And then try to see what I can do with them.  I also like to stone in three colors.  No one likes yellow stones on yellow fabric.  So I mix in yellow, orange and pink.  The color pairing are just ones I think look good together. I seem to have an eye for color combinations. 
Here are some of my fav color combinations.  Lime green and gray, brown and pink, orange and navy, purple and red, brown and orange, green and navy, white and lavender….and many more that pop into my head.  I love color, but ironically the last two dresses I’ve made were plain black.  

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