Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coronation weekend

Yawn, Well its ‘Hell Week’ at my house.  I have fabric every where.  I have been up late sewing.  Fort Worth Coronation is on Saturday and I have a few more dresses to complete.  In fact I will probably call in sick to my day job so that I can use the day to sew.  Not to worry, I will still get paid.  *fake cough*.  I have plenty of sick leave.  I am 99% finished with a blue dress I am making custom for a friend of mine.  She served as Empress of Fort Worth ten years ago and this gown will be worn as part of her ‘walk’.  That is when they recognize all the dignitaries in attendance which includes past Emperor and Empress.  They do this during the Coronation Ball. 
Let me try to explain as much as I can.  There is an International Court System.  The international organization oversees the lower level organizations.  The Imperial Court Council is created to advise individual chapters and, when necessary, to grant or rescind recognition by the IICS as a whole. This group also urges a degree of consistency regarding matters of protocol via proclamations which are generally observed by all chapters.The local organizations can represent a city or state. In Texas as have several city organizations such as Dallas, Ft Worth/Arlington, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Corpus Christi, and Waco. 
The International Imperial Court System (IICS) is one of the oldest and largest gay organizations in the world. The court raises money for charity through large annual fancy-dress costume balls in communities throughout North America and numerous smaller fundraisers each year. Each individual court chapter or "realm" is a separate non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for various charities and people in need within its realm. Each chapter has its own board of directors and is financially responsible for its own management. In addition to local non-profit status, many courts in the United States have Federal 501(c) status.
Each court conducts numerous fundraisers throughout the year. Drag shows, raging in size from performances at local bars to events in hotel ballrooms and other large venues, are the main way in which revenue is raised for charity. Especially in recent years, court chapters have diversified their fundraising strategies so as to include yard sales, gift raffles, etc. Court members also solicit donations at LGBT events, gay pride parades and other public events at which they appear. I have enjoyed helping raise money for both the Dallas and Fort Worth-Arlington courts over the past five years. 
Each court holds an annual "coronation" which is usually the chapter's largest fundraiser and is attended by both local people and members of other chapters from across North America. The evening culminates in the ceremony in which the new monarchs are crowned. The method by which monarchs are selected varies from chapter to chapter, ranging from selection by vote among the active membership in closed session months before the coronation to election by all in attendance on the night of the ceremony.  In Fort Worth/Arlington, you must reside in Tarrant County. Voting is done by ballot the week before the Coronation Ball.  The results are revealed at the Coronation. 

Scarlet Rains gown for Coronation

Each group bestows titles on their members. Each one is a title of succession in the hierarchy of the court.  Empress/and emperor are most important.  Then followed by crown princess/prince, dukes and duchesses and so on down the line.  Other appellations bestowed resemble offices or professions within a medieval or modern noble court rather than titles of nobility, such as "Court Jester" or "Chancellor of the Realm" and so forth. These titles may be as serious-sounding or as humorously campy as the monarchs wish. 

Jaclyn Chatelaine's gown

The “ladies” on the female line enjoy wearing long flowing gowns.  I been invited to display and sell my dresses and costumes at the Coronation.  I set up my booth and get to meet many of the weekend guests.  Some look and ask questions and some buy.  It is work, but fun work.  Many of them have special costumes made to fit the theme of the host cities coronation. This weekends theme in Ft Worth will be the “Disco Ball” a night of 70’s inspired disco music and funky costumes.  I have made a disco jumpsuit for another friend.  It’s so cute.  She is wearing an afro and platform boots.  I am hoping to get a picture of her in her outfit.  I love disco music.  I will be a guest performer at Coronation.  I was asked to be there by special invitation.  I am honored. I will be doing my favorite disco mega mix. I have the perfect moves too.  I had thought about a Donna Summer tribute. Maybe she works hard for the money, or some Gloria Gaynor, I will survive.  But I’m sure someone else will do those since they were so popular in their day.  I JUST NEED TO FIND TIME TO GET MY COSTUME TOGETHER! 

Jacquelyn and Kevin


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