Thursday, July 26, 2012


Once upon a time I liked movie dates. They were fun and friendly ways to get to know some one.  I always paid attention to see when they laughed; did it match when I laughed?  Some times it did. Other times no.  It helped me understand what they liked. It was a useful tool.  I’m not into action flicks.  I’m not that type of guy, obviously. I’m not into cute Chick flicks either.   I like dramas, comedy and stories about people lives.  I love being able to relate and connect to the movie plot, character and story line.  I really enjoy movies.  I also enjoy musicals on occasion.  (Especially at home so I can sing along).  Some of my favorite movies have gay stories and gay characters.  Here are just small sample of the ones I like.  Each one speaks to me in a different way.  I’m not a movie reviewer.  I’m just expressing my self.  I’m sure you have heard of most of these. And there are a ton more than this.
Torch Song trilogy. To me it was drag and drag history.  It was made in the 80’s and takes place in the 70’s.  The drag was so different.  The Story of Arnold was so good. I would be an “Arnold.”
Long time companion.  My partner made me watch this movie before we moved in together.  I had never heard of it. He had lost so many important people in his life due to the AIDS crisis.  I think he wanted me to understand.  It still makes me cry.
Bird Cage- My partner would joke that this was us.  I was Albert (aka Starina) and he was Armand.  It’s still such a funny movie.  His favorite lines was “ you know everything because you are an man, and I know nothing because I am a woman” “ you’re not a woman” “ You bastard!”
Stonewall- I picked this one up at a thrift store last year. It came out in 1995. I had never heard of it.  It’s a good movie, set in the 1969.  It’s about LaMiranda, a drag queen and her struggle to find love, life and acceptance.
Broke back Mountain- This was so sad.  Two guys who shared love, but could not share their lived.  Plus they are both cute, so that helps.
Trans America-  I think the inner issues that “Bre” struggled with were relatable.  She was about to undergo surgery and had her life flipped upside down by a son she never knew.  She also had family issues.  These were some funny scenes too. Bre's mother was a hoot.  It had me hooked  the first time I saw it.
Milk- This was a good movie. Harvey’s passion was convincing people that they mattered and could make a difference.  (I watched this one again last night.)
There is one more. It is a great movie too. It helped me deal with personal grief. But it is not a gay movie. I felt it was important to mention it too. Truly Madly Deeply. GW used to write me love notes all the time. I always thought that was wonderful. I cherish them still. In one of his letter, he said He loved me Truly, Madly, Deeply. I did not see the connection until I found the movie in a box. Part of my healing from my personal grief was knowing that GW’s spirit was and is still around me. In the movie two people are love, Nina and Jamie. They were happy and then Jamie dies. Nina is left alone. Nina is heartbroken but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. Nina is happy to have him back even in ghost form. Jamie starts bringing ghostly friends home and behaving more and more oddly. Then Nina meets another man and has to let Jamie go for good. She can not remain in love with some who is not real. She is torn but chooses to move on with her life. Making this connection in my own life was essential to who I am becoming.

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