Friday, March 9, 2012

pain in the neck

I have not written my blog this week. I was sick over the weekend and it escalated to an ER visit on Monday night.  I noticed a pain in the back of my neck and severe head ache on Saturday.  I was supposed to go out of town for a show.  I went even though my neck hurt.  At the show I did all slow songs. That was some thing I never do.  I wore the same hair all night and was not my usual out going drag self.  I was in so much pain; I knew it was best not to drink alcohol.  I sipped on sprite all night.  I also left as soon as the show ended.  I drove back to Irving the next day and tried to rest for work the next day.  I was still hurting.  I went to work, but felt like crap.  By this time the lump on the back of my head was about the size of a potato.  It made it hard to sleep, so I decided to go to the ER.  After about 3 hours of waiting, the ER doctor told me I had an infection.  He gave me antibiotics.  I took the next day off and slept all day.  The swelling was the same but not any better.  After a few day of medication, I feel better.  But unfortunately I had to cancel my upcoming trip to Tulsa on Saturday.  Some times you have to put yourself first.  I will be back on the road next weekend. 
 Note:  the ER Doctor was hot.  If your ever sick in DFW, go to the Emergency Room at Los Colinas Medical Center.  The cute doctor even gave me some jewlery....a plastic braclet with me listed as the patient and him listed as doctor....we were meant to be together. I even shared a moment in the exam room.  He said " you may feel a slight pressure"  ha ha

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Spring track meet 1985

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