Friday, March 30, 2012

I have been busy

I have been training all week.  My new day job is going well. I will try to update again soon.
I have been taking on new challenges in life.  One major change has been the effort to improve my employment.  Back in October, I was faced with the upcoming New Year.  I wanted to make 2012 a great year for me.  I set new goals. I was considering a new job.  I had grown in my company but had reached a place of boredom and complacency.  I had even considered moving to a new city.  So many of my good friends had moved, and I felt abandoned.  
I weighed my options and consulted with the important people in my life.  I felt I would try to change things.  I started first by making other friends.  I have such a wide variety of friends.  I have gotten to know new people and currently feel like this was a good thing.  I enjoy them very much.  This included being more out going and friendly to people I already was acquainted with. 
Next I approached my current Manager at work.  I was interested in exploring other departments. But first I asked to be cross trained with another department.  I made the point that it would benefit our work group.  He said yes.  I figured it would give me more visability and help my resume in the long run.  This was a great thing.  I trained with our department lead.  He showed me more in-depth working our department.  I made me more aware of the workings of our group.   I felt good.  I was even asked d to fill in the lead spot while he was out for a few days due to a family situation.  I gained visability in the group as someone who can be counted on to be flexible. 
My Manager also told me about other departments.  He asked if I would be interested in observing.  This could consist of spending the day there, meeting management, and getting an idea about what the departments functions are. Also I would be able to promote myself to potential departmetn heads.   I said yes!  It took a few phone calls and set up time, but He made it happen.  I was allowed to observe in Sales and Customer service department.  I had a great day and met several supervisor and managers.  Most of all I liked the enviroment.  I was encouraged at the end of the day when I sat down with a few managers in an informal review of my day.  They had several questions about me, my back ground and my goals.  They encouraged me to look for upcoming oepning with in their group.  It was no gaurentee, but overall. I knew they liked me and appreciated my skill set.  When the postitions finally came open the work I had put into paid off.  My resume was perfect. My interview skills were sharp and my knowledge was vast due to the information I had been aborbing from any cource I could find.  I had spent my evening preparing.  It was the hardest interview. But I impressed them.  I had left  the panel open to the idea of letting me join them.  It was a huge leap from one job to another.  I knew I could do it, I had the portential to learn and grown and finally I got the call.
Yes,  I landed a new job, a start of a new chapter in my life.  This new postion was the blessing I needed, wanted and worked hard to obtain.  Now the rest is up to me.  I must learn fast, learn well and prove to my new group that I belong there.  I did not have to leave my job, but found a new position.  Sometimes change is good. 

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Spring track meet 1985

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