Monday, April 30, 2012

A place I remember

One the corner of Main Street and East Bryan Street was once a Grocery Store and a few small shops.  Just down the street from the grocery store and laundry mat was an old building. It set alone.  The other buildings around it had already been demolished.   It was a thrift store and it was filled with wonderful  old things.  It was called the Browse and Buy Shop.  That was a funny name I thought. I was about five years old.   I had no Idea what a “Browse” was.  I quickly learned that a Browse was something you  do, not some thing you purchase.  It was and old store.  The cash register was an old adding machine and money box for making change.  Like many down town buildings, the old store front had large windows across the front and tall brick walls on three sides.   Inside it was a long open building.  There were just a few large beams supporting the center of the ceiling.   The ceiling I remember was pressed tin panels with rust showing through.  The windows always seemed dirty.  There were displays of used items in the windows that were arranged to make you want to come inside.   We would venture over to the thrift store while the clothes were cycling at the laundry mat. Occasionally, my mother would go to.   It was run by old ladies. They would greet my mother and count the children.  I think maybe they wanted to make sure no one was left behind after my mother left the store.   I explored the store.  I remember the smell of old clothes and old leather shoes.  My mom would buy us kids old jeans and some times small items for the house.  I loved looking at all the vintage clothes and imagine the people who once owned them.  Many were sparkly and looked like they were from the 50’s and 60’s.  The old clunky church shoes were all faced neatly below the rack just waiting for a new home.  But no one seemed to want them.   I also loved rummaging through the boxes of costume jewelry.  My mother called it junk, but I saw them as treasure.  There were old broaches, old watches and old earrings.  I always wanted buy something, but I knew better than to ask.  It would always be a no.  We learned not to want too much.  Still I enjoyed just being there.  I liked looking around and I saw value in the things that other people didn’t want.  Some times it is all in how you look at things.  I try to still see things this way.  In fact I still love exploring and good garage sale,  thrift store and flea market.  And over the years I have collected lots of treasures of my own.  I still imagine who may have owned these things before me. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

He sent the flood

Back in 2008, I was doing drag on the weekends and traveling on occasion.  I was also working full time for a company that would eventually close.  During all that, I had one night I will not soon forget.  It had rained off and on the day before.  I had done a show in Ft Worth that night.  It was a lot of fun and got lots of laughs.  My sister was staying with me.  It was nice to have some one else in the house besides me and the dogs.  She also was a good listener and a good cook.  We had been up late and finally gave the TV a rest and went to bed.  The rain outside seemed to get stronger, but I was safe in my warm bed. 
My sister woke me up with her loud voice, I could her shouting.  I had placed a pillow over my head to block the over head light and her sound.  “Get up” she kept saying.  “For what, you crazy” I snapped back.  “The house is flooded.”   Oh my God.  Was she serious?  Indeed the floor was wet when I stepped out of bed.  I could feel the wet seeping through my white socks.   My sister had gotten up during ht e night and noticed the floor was wet.  Then quickly realized the water was coming from user the living room door and had already begun soaking the floor in the hallway.  The near by creek had over flowed it’s usually banks and sent water into every home near by. I blame the recent housing development just down the road.  It had once been open field and the new homes left no where for water to go, but flow across the road and into older lower lying home.  The new development also meant inadequate drainage.    The house was flooded with dirty rain water.  The water had come in under the front door and along the base boards of the exterior walls.    The quick flood had been caused by the already full creek, and a sudden down pour and with in minutes, the water had no where else to go.    We quickly moved furniture and stacked it on top of each other.  We even open the front and back door to relieve the pressure and let the water pass though and out the other end of the house.  Our foundation was a slab.   So it was like water flowing over a huge rock in order to rejoin the flow of water that flowed out side the perimeter of the house.  The water was about 6 inches high.  That was probably about 1 foot of water from ground level.  The water had even left a ring around the house as a reminder of how high the water was.  It also left piles of debris scattered around the out side of the house and muddy puddles in low area after the waster receded.   The damage had been done. 
My sister and I were up from 3am until sun up. Pulling out rugs and drying out floors. We were mopping water and running fan to dry out.   The water had even ruined boxed of fabrics and  craft supplies that I used to make  drag costume  because they had been sitting on the floor. We also had to dry out closets filled boxes of shoes and costumes.  We looked like bums, with our sleeping clothes still on, pant legs rolled up. We were dirty and tired.   But we managed to keep the damage and loss to a minimum.  It was important to dry it out and avoid mold and the smell of mildew.   We worked together.  And it was ok.  There were other homes that had more water in side.  They were unlivable.    And also that was the last time I did my Comedy number where I came dressed as a NUN and did my “Like a Prayer-Papa don’t preach” mix.  Apparently God did not like it.  He sent the flood.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

five things about me

Five thing s about me:
My first car was a piece of crap chevy.  I loved and hated that car
I want to go camping this year.  Its been years.
I have never been arrested. But had plenty of speeding tickets
I once got food poisoning from tacos.  I was sick for 3 days.
I  once told my job that my Grandma died, so I could have time off to compete in a Pageant.  It worked.

Friday, April 20, 2012

my new coworkers

In my life I have met some many people.  Some were important other were not. 

This week I have met some interesting new people.  Some of these people are my coworker in the office.  Each one is unique and friendly.  I am still trying to figure out their personalities. 
There is Beau.  He is my age. Mid thirties. Married with kids under ten.  He lives in an gated community and apparently is living beyond his means.  He is also insecure about having me in the work group.  It only took a couple of days to figure out that he is hiding his insecurities with a "class clown" attitude.  From what I gather, his wife's family is well off and he is killing himself to fit in and have a grand life.  He and I are very different.  I like him, but do not ever see us being true friends.  Also he is the first person in the group to look down his nose at others. Including me.  But I am holding my ground. I am not afraid to look backs up his nose at him.  I am a person, I deserve the chance to work and live and enjoy my life.  I am put off by his arrogance. 
Then there is Tim.  Tim is young and smart.  He has been the one to train me in my new position.  Some times I feel a bit shy around him.  I admire his ability to talk to anyone.  He is also liked by everyone in the group.
Clint is funny and quirky. He enjoys laughing and is a strict vegetarian.  He told me and I thought he was kidding.  All my friends eat meat.  It seems so limited, only veggies.  I like Clint, but some times he and I are the only ones laughing at this jokes.  I think he and I have a similar sense of humor. If you don't pay attention, you wont catch the jokes. 

 I also have one female coworker, Sarah.  She is very flirty and uses her flirts to get what she wants. I don’t understand why, she seems bright.  Maybe some day she will figure that out.  She is friendly and says hello to me everyday.  Maybe she and I could be friends.  Who knows.  Apparently we both like shoes and enjoy dressing cute.  She just doesn’t know it yet.   
I am hoping that these new people in my life continue to be friendly and respect me.  I am still new here and only time will tell.  But I am going to try to smile.  And be friendly too.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I ran into a friend, carrying beer.

I had a really tough day yeaterday. 
                I was tired and did not feel like cooking.  I decieded to go grab some food from a local fast food place.  Then about half way there, I changed my mind.  I knew it would be cheaper to cook at home.  I was hungry and wanted to make some thing quick and easy.  I stopped at the super market.  I grabbed a cart, and made my way into the store.  I looked up briefly as I shuffled through my pockets for some cash.  As I looked up, I saw a familiar face.  It was my friend Adrienne.  She was carrying a case of beer. Hey I said. “Mattie?” She replied.   She probably didn’t recongnize me. I was still wearing my dress clothes from work.  Adrienne is so used to seeing me dressed for a show.  We had  hung out with mutual friends before, but it had bween several months.   In fact her Aunt Michelle lived just around the corner form the store. Michelle’s house is where Adrienne and I first met.  It was about three years ago, she and I were both invited for a bar b que.  My friend Ginger was good friends with Michelle.  And Michelle was Adrienne’s aunt, even though they are close in age.  The group of us had a great time at the bar be que.  We laughed and I liked Adrienne.  She is funny and down to earth.  She lives close to me and when I see her, she is always friendly.  Once, Adrienne and Michelle even showed up to one of my shows in Dallas.  They knew I was performing and wanted to enjoy a night out.  I was supprised to see them.
                So I was at the store and glad to run into Adrienne.  I could feel myself smiling.  I asked her how she had been, and she quickly invited me over to Michelles. It was a good plan.  They were just haning out, having a few beers and talking.  So I grabbed some food and stopped by.  It was so good just to realx and talk and be around people.  I was there late but it was worth it.  I hope to hang out with Adrienne again.  Maybe I will give her a call and  just say hello. 

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...