Friday, April 20, 2012

my new coworkers

In my life I have met some many people.  Some were important other were not. 

This week I have met some interesting new people.  Some of these people are my coworker in the office.  Each one is unique and friendly.  I am still trying to figure out their personalities. 
There is Beau.  He is my age. Mid thirties. Married with kids under ten.  He lives in an gated community and apparently is living beyond his means.  He is also insecure about having me in the work group.  It only took a couple of days to figure out that he is hiding his insecurities with a "class clown" attitude.  From what I gather, his wife's family is well off and he is killing himself to fit in and have a grand life.  He and I are very different.  I like him, but do not ever see us being true friends.  Also he is the first person in the group to look down his nose at others. Including me.  But I am holding my ground. I am not afraid to look backs up his nose at him.  I am a person, I deserve the chance to work and live and enjoy my life.  I am put off by his arrogance. 
Then there is Tim.  Tim is young and smart.  He has been the one to train me in my new position.  Some times I feel a bit shy around him.  I admire his ability to talk to anyone.  He is also liked by everyone in the group.
Clint is funny and quirky. He enjoys laughing and is a strict vegetarian.  He told me and I thought he was kidding.  All my friends eat meat.  It seems so limited, only veggies.  I like Clint, but some times he and I are the only ones laughing at this jokes.  I think he and I have a similar sense of humor. If you don't pay attention, you wont catch the jokes. 

 I also have one female coworker, Sarah.  She is very flirty and uses her flirts to get what she wants. I don’t understand why, she seems bright.  Maybe some day she will figure that out.  She is friendly and says hello to me everyday.  Maybe she and I could be friends.  Who knows.  Apparently we both like shoes and enjoy dressing cute.  She just doesn’t know it yet.   
I am hoping that these new people in my life continue to be friendly and respect me.  I am still new here and only time will tell.  But I am going to try to smile.  And be friendly too.

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