Friday, April 27, 2012

He sent the flood

Back in 2008, I was doing drag on the weekends and traveling on occasion.  I was also working full time for a company that would eventually close.  During all that, I had one night I will not soon forget.  It had rained off and on the day before.  I had done a show in Ft Worth that night.  It was a lot of fun and got lots of laughs.  My sister was staying with me.  It was nice to have some one else in the house besides me and the dogs.  She also was a good listener and a good cook.  We had been up late and finally gave the TV a rest and went to bed.  The rain outside seemed to get stronger, but I was safe in my warm bed. 
My sister woke me up with her loud voice, I could her shouting.  I had placed a pillow over my head to block the over head light and her sound.  “Get up” she kept saying.  “For what, you crazy” I snapped back.  “The house is flooded.”   Oh my God.  Was she serious?  Indeed the floor was wet when I stepped out of bed.  I could feel the wet seeping through my white socks.   My sister had gotten up during ht e night and noticed the floor was wet.  Then quickly realized the water was coming from user the living room door and had already begun soaking the floor in the hallway.  The near by creek had over flowed it’s usually banks and sent water into every home near by. I blame the recent housing development just down the road.  It had once been open field and the new homes left no where for water to go, but flow across the road and into older lower lying home.  The new development also meant inadequate drainage.    The house was flooded with dirty rain water.  The water had come in under the front door and along the base boards of the exterior walls.    The quick flood had been caused by the already full creek, and a sudden down pour and with in minutes, the water had no where else to go.    We quickly moved furniture and stacked it on top of each other.  We even open the front and back door to relieve the pressure and let the water pass though and out the other end of the house.  Our foundation was a slab.   So it was like water flowing over a huge rock in order to rejoin the flow of water that flowed out side the perimeter of the house.  The water was about 6 inches high.  That was probably about 1 foot of water from ground level.  The water had even left a ring around the house as a reminder of how high the water was.  It also left piles of debris scattered around the out side of the house and muddy puddles in low area after the waster receded.   The damage had been done. 
My sister and I were up from 3am until sun up. Pulling out rugs and drying out floors. We were mopping water and running fan to dry out.   The water had even ruined boxed of fabrics and  craft supplies that I used to make  drag costume  because they had been sitting on the floor. We also had to dry out closets filled boxes of shoes and costumes.  We looked like bums, with our sleeping clothes still on, pant legs rolled up. We were dirty and tired.   But we managed to keep the damage and loss to a minimum.  It was important to dry it out and avoid mold and the smell of mildew.   We worked together.  And it was ok.  There were other homes that had more water in side.  They were unlivable.    And also that was the last time I did my Comedy number where I came dressed as a NUN and did my “Like a Prayer-Papa don’t preach” mix.  Apparently God did not like it.  He sent the flood.

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