Tuesday, September 18, 2012

halloween thoughts

I used to love Halloween.  As  a kid it was fun to decorate the front yard with mummies and grave stones.  It really got us kids in the mood for trick or treating.  Some years we would have a Halloween party and invite neighbor hood friends.  We would also pass out candy and or dress up like zombies and jump out to scare people when they came up to our door.  As I got older I would go to the local Halloween parties at the local bar.  I even hosted the Halloween drag show a few times. This would include local queen and also included a Halloween costume contest for every one to show off their best costumes.  I always chose a girl costume.  I left the “just being in drag” costume to the amateurs.  Once I went as a cave woman. But every one thought I was a rocker chick. I guess the wild hair was just confusing.  I also went as a vampire.  I painted my face pale and wore a sexy little back dress and a cape with red lining.  It fun, but every one kept calling me Elvira. 
The first Halloween I spent with GW was fun.  I was hosting the show at the local bar back home.  There were several good costumes.  It is the only time I put makeup on GW. He had zero interest in feminine things like makeup.   We dressed as pirates.  I was a girl pirate with the white blouse, red and white striped skirt with a pirate hat.  I love this costume too because I could wear my favorite boots.  GW was my first mate.  He wore a red and white shirt black pants and rugged boots.  I painted a gruff looking pirate beard on him and gave him and eye patch.  He looked very rugged and sexy.  He was never one to play with costumes but he went along with it for me.  He always did what ever to make me happy. 
Once he went as a priest and I went as a nun.  I wore a typical nun habit and some retro cat eye glasses,  I also That was a fun costume to make.  I used this costume for a couple of shows too.  GW would laugh and say, ”come here my child and tell me your sins”  I would act offended and he would laugh.  He and I shared a special humor and private jokes. That was one of the many things I loved about him. 
We also ventured out to celebrate Halloween in Dallas when we first lived there.  The Dallas gay neighborhood has an annual block party. The block party is a huge event.  Thousands of people attend. GW and I went and had a good time, but vowed not to go back again. The crowds were too big and parking was a nightmare. It is a neighbor hood, not a shopping mall.  There were too many people for our liking.  These included a lot of drunk rude people.  We enjoyed smaller parties with friends.   I had made several friends and were some times invited to enjoy a more relaxed and friendly good time. The last few years have attended a few private parties.  There is one friend in Dallas who hosts a Halloween party at her home and invites people.  It is a fundraiser for local AIDS Charities.  Everyone has a great time and we give back to charity.  There is food, music dancing, drinks and even a costume contest.  It is a lot of fun. 
I am not sure what costume I will choose this year.  I need to do something fun, but not too campy. 

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