Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two weekends at Garlows

Last weekend at Garlow’s was a rough night. Garlow’s is a small bar in Gun Barrel City. They love a good show.  I always see friendly faces there.  Gun Barrel City id just one of several smaller communities that surround Cedar Creek Lake south of Dallas.  The first time I went to Gun Barrel, was about 5 years ago.  The the crowd cant be beat.  They sing along with you and tell you that you are fantastic. I enjoy the genuine praise. They are laid back and not rude.  They respect the entertainers and also tip generously. I rained all day and into the evening.  Rain is not good for makeup and wigs.  The mud in the parking lot was a mess. But luckily I wore some flats.  Then put on my good shoes when I got there.  Then there was an issue with the music. Apparently, a drink had been spilled on the sound board in the DJ booth.  It was a nightmare. My first number was fine but the trouble continued. It was very odd to see everyone sitting in silence for thirty minutes while the staff tried to fix the problem.  In fact I even made a joke during my second number, that I was going to back my car up to the door and play the CDs on my car stereo with the trunk open.  It was frustrating.  The microphones kept cutting out and then, the music would not play or sound muffled.  The decision was made to cut the rest of the show.  In all my years, that was a first.  You can't lip sync with out music.  I was not about to sing a-capella. 

I tried to have an enjoyable weekend this past weekend, since my work week was so busy.  I made plans with a good friend, Luis. He and I are a lot alike and love to laugh.  In fact it’s been a long time since I had a good “girlfriend”.  So on Friday after work we made plan to go out in Fort Worth.  I had not been “out-out” in awhile.  I thought it would be nice to relax and hang out as myself and not in drag. I do not really consider show nights as a social event.  It is more of work-time recreation.  I was to meet my friend at the club around 9:30pm.  But in my usual fashion, I was late.  I had fallen asleep on the bed and woke up still wearing my work clothes.  Damn it.  I texted messaged my friend. He was already at the club and I would quickly be on my way.  When my body is tired, I should never lie down, because I will quickly fall asleep.  I arrived at the club but could not find my buddy.  Where was he?  I ventured across the street to another local bar. No, he was not there either, and he was not answering his phone. I went back to the first club, and found him. Apparently he was on the patio.  It is nice to get out of the smoke and noise and be able to talk in peace outside.  He had a small group with him. I was not expecting that. I did not know any of them and quickly felt out of place I ended up being the fifth wheel. I was glad I got there late. That meant, the night would soon be over.  .  I was hoping for a good time with laughs and drinks, but overall it was a bust. 
Saturday was the night of the Miss Tri-cities prelim at Garlow’s.   The drama continued into this past weekend. I had worked all day finishing three dress for my trip back to Gun Barrel City. Sometimes you can repeat out fits and music at different venues. But two back to back weekends meant I needed something new to wear.  I left town in the after noon and arrived in GBC.  I was about five miles from the hotel and my phone rang. It was bad news. The hotel where everyone stays, had no electric or water.  Apparently a water leak forced the fire marshal to close the hotel.  It is unsafe to occupy a building unless the water sprinklers work.  Damn, again I was frustrated.  Some of the queens were already half painted. How embarrassing.  We had to switch hotels with just hours before show time.  I painted like a mad woman.  I was thankful that the staff at the new hotel was friendly.  Even one old desk clerk said “ I’m a friend of Dorothy.”  That was a truly old phrase. It took me a second to figure it out.  I was like, who he heck is Dorothy?  I chuckled to myself.  We have come along way from talking in “code”.  The hotel honored our discount rates for the whole group and got us all checked in, even those in half drag and makeup faces.  The pageant was late but we had a great time.  I enjoy going to Garlows and you never know what is going to happen there.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Miss Tri-Citites Prelim

Here is the group photo from Miss Tri-Citites State at Large Pageant.
Left to right: Brittney Brooks, Mattie Madison, Natasha Parson (winner), Jade Books, Gemini Brooks. Back row. Channing Cole, Rusty Winters, and Sable Alexander.

Friday, February 24, 2012

My crazy life.

My weekly recap. 
Monday-worked all day. Prepared for thurs.
Tuesday-drove to OKC after working all day. Came back late same night.
Wednesday-was misrable from not enough sleep but still worked all day. Prepared for thurs.
Thursday-I worked all and had my interview for a new job with my company.I looked sharp. It was excellent.
Friday-worked all day and now I'm ready for the weekend. 

I left out all the fun things, like house work and laundry and meals...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tramp stamps

Urban dictionary:  TRAMP STAMP.  I see more and more gay guys with this same marking.....I think they are tacky.
“Tramp Stamp” is a derogatory term referring to a tattoo which a women places on her lower back. It is especially popular among women born in the late 70’s, 80‘s, and even early 90’s. Fair or unfair, these tattoos have a socially constructed connotation associated with them. These women are labeled as tramps, whores, or other derogatory sexually promiscuous terms. Although these are often bias generalized claims, there have been sociological studies done by the American Psychological Association, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and other demographic researchers showing strong correlative evidence associating tattoos with high risk behavior, illegal substance abuse and sexual promiscuity. These risk factors are greatest in the age range which these types of tattoos are gaining main stream popularity. Some have also jokingly stated that by 2050, the “tramp stamp” will be renamed the “gramp stamp”.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feliz dia de St. Valentine...Happy Valentine’s Day.   Valentines is traditionally the day to celebrate love. But I remember it in a different way.  It is my dog’s birthday. 
Several years ago, I was visiting some relatives in a rural town .  I had gotten up early and drove about 45 minutes from the large city where I was living.  It was a typical Saturday.  My plan was to return the same day.  My relatives lived on the outskirts of the small town, off of a dirt road. The old farm house set back from the road.   It is a quiet place with scruffy mesquite trees and an old barb wire fence. It was meant to keep the cows in but did little to restrict the big bogs that roamed free.  They would hear a passing car and chase it until it was over the next hill.   Then they would mosey back they way country dogs often due. The dog tongues would be hanging out, as they were trying to catch their breath.  They would wonder the property and explore until the sound of another approaching car.  There were five dogs in all. They were all different breeds, but large in size. 

I remember sitting at the kitchen table and looking at the cabinets.  There were smudged handprints on the painted doors.  The farm house was old and worn but still charming.  The walls were covered in family photos including the smiling faces of kids playing and grandparents who were no longer living.  I sipped on coffee while talking.  The visit was a good one.  I had mentioned how much I missed my dog Missy.  She had died a few months earlier. It was hard to see her suffer, so we had her put to sleep to end her pain. I remember how quiet the house was after that.  I always loved little dogs and Missy was the cutest Pomeranian.  She was champagne colored with big eyes and a fluffy tail.   
Then I heard a dog barking in the next room. My relatives told to me that there is a small dog that had been found.  It was a small Chihuahua.  A neighbor gave it to them. I asked to see it.  The door opened and in ran the cutest dog that jumped right in my lap. She was tan with big eyes and a tail that for some reason looked like it had been braided wet.  The fur on it looked wiry and crinkled.  It was love at first site.  That face was adorable.  She was a dog in need of a mama.  She was a skinny.  She had been kept in the house so the other dog would not hurt her.   “What’s her name?” I asked.  The family kids had been calling her “Whiskey. “ They had heard it in a country song. "Whiskey Girl" is the title of a song co-written and recorded by American country music singer Toby Keith. It was released in March 2004 as the third single from the album, Shock'n Y'all. The song reached the top of the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart on in July 2004. The name fit. 
I took her home that day.  She was covered in fleas and was what I call “dog naked”....that is kind of a joke at my house.  A dog with out a collar is “naked”.  I bought Whiskey a red collar and used to paint her nails red to match. She quickly became part of my family.   She was young, not more than a few months old but I didn’t know where or when she was born.  So I set February 14th as her birthday.  She is the best dog I ever got for free.  She needed a home and my broken heart needed her. 
I have pictures of her wearing one of my rhinestone bracelets around her little neck.  She was that small.  And she would even let me put clip on earrings on her.  But they didn’t last long before she would shake them loose.  She became my baby.  She was once small enough to lay next to me in the recliner. Now she sits in my lap and still looks at me with her sweet innocent eyes.  She is so calm and quiet unless she hears a noise.  There have been times where I felt like the world was against me, but I had Whiskey to cheer me up.  I still talk to her about the people we miss.  I think she misses them too.  I tell her everyday that she is my ‘pretty puppy’.  Every girl needs to hear that even though we loose our looks and get older.  I hate to think of a day when I will have to say good bye to her.  I love that little dog.  
Happy Birthday my little Whiskey Girl!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just a picture

I have more pictures to add. But I wanted to share this one.  Me and my friend Kelly.

My rules

I have made it an unspoken rule not to blog about:
1.   My current relationships
2.   Complain about my family dramas
3.   Attack anyone directly in anger.
 I could say a lot today in all three areas. But can’t.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wed nite at Cherries

I went to see the Whitney Paige Show on Wednesday . There is new hot spot called Cherries. They have been open for a few months.  It is owned by a friend, Randy Norman.  I met Randy a few years ago when he was managing another club in Ft Worth.  Now he has a new business in Dallas. Cherries is off of the strip, but still close.  It is located at corner of Knight and Maple.  Randy is great guys who, unlike other managers, see the value and profits that come from drag shows.  Randy also has on staff dancers, shot boys, drag queens on stage and behind the bar and some of the best bartenders who are ready to serve your every beverage desire.  So far he has created a good club with big name performers and friendly customer service.  I hope that Randy’s Club Cherries success continues.  I enjoy having a place to unwind with out the big night club venue.  Cherrie’s is very friendly and more personal.  
I was very entertained on Wed night.  I was in the crowd, but not dressed in drag.  I was just Tomas, in jeans and a shirt, hoodie jacket and ball cap.  But still it was nice to see people who recognized me,iIncluding Whitney Paige.  She was there when I was crowned Miss Oklahoma USofA at Large 10 years ago in Tulsa.  Whitney still looks great and is always a crowd pleaser.  No matter if you like her or not, every queen should take a lesson from her about professionalism.  She is a true pro.  I see it as the key to her long success.  Whitney said hello to me, and joked  before the show.  She sat at the bar and conversed with everyone around her.  She was wearing a long pony tail and her makeup flawless. 
The  show started and included Whitney, Silkie Ohara, and Sassy.  Silkie is a beautiful black trans queen.  She is thin and tall.  I meet her a few years ago in For Worth.  We were both booked together.  She gave me a pair of shoes; she complained the heel was too short.   I guess she was used to walking in “skyscrapers” heels.  She was friendly in Fort Worth and was still lovely again this past Wednesday at cherries. Sassy is a trans queen, who I do not know personally, but she was very funny and a good entertainer on Wednesday night.  I loved her red fringe costume, although I though her lady boob might come out at every jiggle.  But she only had a flash of bra, no nipples showing.

I also saw other queens I know in the audience, Including Vega St. James and Josephine O’hara Edwards.  They are both two very talented black queens.  I met them both separately about 8 years ago.  I was living in Wichita Falls and they were both competing in state level pageants.  I met Josephine just before she won Miss Gay Texas America.  She was traveling the prelim circuit as entertainer because she had already placed at another prelim.  That is one of the advantages of entering early in the pageant season. You get to travel.   She was a great dancer, very elegant and a beautiful smile.  She loved wearing swing skirts and silver ballroom shoes.  She could spin with such grace.  She has undergone some changes since then.  She now lives a trans life. But she is still a friendly person with a big heart. I saw her last, about a year ago.  I was great to see her again.
Vega St James was very friendly on Wed.  She and I used to work shows at club "Illusions" back for they closed a few years ago.  I always enjoyed her illusions.  She would do the impersonations of Whitney Houston, Dion Warwick and Pattie Labelle.  During pageant season, she would always place in the top group.  I remember at one prelim pageant, Vega won.  She looked and performed like a class act. She wowed the judges with her solo Pattie Labelle talent. Each facial expression, and each word was lip-synched to perfection, in my opinion.  The runner up was not happy. She had props and flashy costumes and danced to a pop mix of music.  She could not understand why, she had not won.  I remember breaking it down for her.  Vega has Talent! 
I really enjoyed seeing some old friends.  They were so nice.  You never know who you will run into.  I’m glad I went.  There is talk about an upcoming pageant, and everyone is wondering if I’m entering.  All I will say at this point up and find out. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

just two dollars

I have a trick hat I have learned over the years.  As a drag queen, I like going to shows too.   I use this trick and it works.  As you know, make up, hair and the costumes make you look very different.  Especially off stage.  You are just your regular self.   There are times when you are wearing a ball cap and jeans and no one recognizes you.  (That is not always a bad thing.)  But if you are at a show and no one seems to recognize that you are a “drag celebrity’. 
Here is what you do.
You take two dollars out of your pocket.  You fold each long ways.  You walk to the most well lit area around the stage.  Face as much toward the crowd as possible and … TIP the EMCEE.  What happens next will amaze you.  The emcee will approach you to get your money, and facial recognition will kick in....You will probably get a response like: “ Miss thing, I did not know you would be out here tonight? “ Smile.  You then tip her once, to get her attention.  Then tip her again with the remaining dollar.  She will love you for it!  It’s the second gesture that lets her know you really appreciate her.  As soon as the emcees performance is over, she will greet the audience. She will say “ladies and gentlemen, we have s special guest in the audience” .....that drag diva is... YOU!  Then She will call your name, and you can wave and smile to the audience as they applaud you…..and best of all, it only cost you…..two dollars.  Nothing like cheap publicity in a crowded gay bar.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Up coming events

FEB 2012
Feb 3  Reflections FW Show8pm
Feb 11. Cherries Dallas  Show7pm
Feb  18 Garlows Gun Barrel City Show10pm
Feb 25 Miss Tri-Cities prelim Garlows GBC  9pm
March 2012
Mar 3 Garlows Show GBC 10pm
Mar 10  *vendor booth* At Tulsa Cornonation
Mar 17 Miss Lady of the Lake Prelim Garlows 9pm
Mar 24 Garlows Anniversary Show GBC 9pm

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just an old family photo

I found this photo in some of my moms old stuff.  My sister had called needing my other sisters social secutiry number.  So I started digging.  This photo was taken in Campbell California about 1963.  My Grandparents Jose and Sally Castillo. Along with my Mom, Wendy, about age 12, along with my tias Cathy 9, and Alice age 4.  I am 99% certain that is this the same backyard that we played in upon visiting my Grandma when I was a kid.  I dont know who took the picture, but the note on the back is my mom's handwritting.  It says, ' Jose V. Castillo carried this picture in his wallet until his death in 1969.'
I just wanted to post it because it is  reminder of where I come from.  I have been missing my mom lately.  I usually miss her more when life is rough, and more when life is good.  I so wish I could share it with her.  I hope she would be proud of me. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to Tulsa

I have been asked to return to Tulsa again this year. I will be selling dress and costume and meeting new faces there again.  The Coronation event will be March 10.   They were please with me last years and I have been invited back.  I knew about this a week ago but I wanted to wait to say until it was confirmed to say anything.  They usually have two of each type of vendor at these event.  You may see two Dress makers, or two jewelry people, or two wig stylists.  In fact the last sale I did in Dallas there were two Dress makers. The other was a nice girl, but my selection, and prices were not to be matched.  She did not do as good of a business as I did.  So I don’t think she will be returning.  I think she sold one dress.   I made a killing. So now I need to sew.  I have about a month, not to mention that February is a short month.  Plus I will get to see my family.  I will drive to Oklahoma City, stay with my sister. Then drive to Tulsa for the sale.  I will also return to OKC and probably go out.  Wish me luck as I prepare, I will have to plan and prepare.  Its not easy being a one man show.   Time to sew sew sew.

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...