Friday, February 3, 2012

Just an old family photo

I found this photo in some of my moms old stuff.  My sister had called needing my other sisters social secutiry number.  So I started digging.  This photo was taken in Campbell California about 1963.  My Grandparents Jose and Sally Castillo. Along with my Mom, Wendy, about age 12, along with my tias Cathy 9, and Alice age 4.  I am 99% certain that is this the same backyard that we played in upon visiting my Grandma when I was a kid.  I dont know who took the picture, but the note on the back is my mom's handwritting.  It says, ' Jose V. Castillo carried this picture in his wallet until his death in 1969.'
I just wanted to post it because it is  reminder of where I come from.  I have been missing my mom lately.  I usually miss her more when life is rough, and more when life is good.  I so wish I could share it with her.  I hope she would be proud of me. 

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