Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two weekends at Garlows

Last weekend at Garlow’s was a rough night. Garlow’s is a small bar in Gun Barrel City. They love a good show.  I always see friendly faces there.  Gun Barrel City id just one of several smaller communities that surround Cedar Creek Lake south of Dallas.  The first time I went to Gun Barrel, was about 5 years ago.  The the crowd cant be beat.  They sing along with you and tell you that you are fantastic. I enjoy the genuine praise. They are laid back and not rude.  They respect the entertainers and also tip generously. I rained all day and into the evening.  Rain is not good for makeup and wigs.  The mud in the parking lot was a mess. But luckily I wore some flats.  Then put on my good shoes when I got there.  Then there was an issue with the music. Apparently, a drink had been spilled on the sound board in the DJ booth.  It was a nightmare. My first number was fine but the trouble continued. It was very odd to see everyone sitting in silence for thirty minutes while the staff tried to fix the problem.  In fact I even made a joke during my second number, that I was going to back my car up to the door and play the CDs on my car stereo with the trunk open.  It was frustrating.  The microphones kept cutting out and then, the music would not play or sound muffled.  The decision was made to cut the rest of the show.  In all my years, that was a first.  You can't lip sync with out music.  I was not about to sing a-capella. 

I tried to have an enjoyable weekend this past weekend, since my work week was so busy.  I made plans with a good friend, Luis. He and I are a lot alike and love to laugh.  In fact it’s been a long time since I had a good “girlfriend”.  So on Friday after work we made plan to go out in Fort Worth.  I had not been “out-out” in awhile.  I thought it would be nice to relax and hang out as myself and not in drag. I do not really consider show nights as a social event.  It is more of work-time recreation.  I was to meet my friend at the club around 9:30pm.  But in my usual fashion, I was late.  I had fallen asleep on the bed and woke up still wearing my work clothes.  Damn it.  I texted messaged my friend. He was already at the club and I would quickly be on my way.  When my body is tired, I should never lie down, because I will quickly fall asleep.  I arrived at the club but could not find my buddy.  Where was he?  I ventured across the street to another local bar. No, he was not there either, and he was not answering his phone. I went back to the first club, and found him. Apparently he was on the patio.  It is nice to get out of the smoke and noise and be able to talk in peace outside.  He had a small group with him. I was not expecting that. I did not know any of them and quickly felt out of place I ended up being the fifth wheel. I was glad I got there late. That meant, the night would soon be over.  .  I was hoping for a good time with laughs and drinks, but overall it was a bust. 
Saturday was the night of the Miss Tri-cities prelim at Garlow’s.   The drama continued into this past weekend. I had worked all day finishing three dress for my trip back to Gun Barrel City. Sometimes you can repeat out fits and music at different venues. But two back to back weekends meant I needed something new to wear.  I left town in the after noon and arrived in GBC.  I was about five miles from the hotel and my phone rang. It was bad news. The hotel where everyone stays, had no electric or water.  Apparently a water leak forced the fire marshal to close the hotel.  It is unsafe to occupy a building unless the water sprinklers work.  Damn, again I was frustrated.  Some of the queens were already half painted. How embarrassing.  We had to switch hotels with just hours before show time.  I painted like a mad woman.  I was thankful that the staff at the new hotel was friendly.  Even one old desk clerk said “ I’m a friend of Dorothy.”  That was a truly old phrase. It took me a second to figure it out.  I was like, who he heck is Dorothy?  I chuckled to myself.  We have come along way from talking in “code”.  The hotel honored our discount rates for the whole group and got us all checked in, even those in half drag and makeup faces.  The pageant was late but we had a great time.  I enjoy going to Garlows and you never know what is going to happen there.

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