Friday, January 18, 2013


Some times I write things down but do not post them in my blog. It helps me just to know that I have written it down and removed it from my mind.  It gives me peace: a sense of relief and well being.   I have heard it said that chocolate has chemical in it that releases a sense of well being as well.  Interesting.  I like chocolate especially in a peanut butter cup.   Even though chocolate is regularly eaten for pleasure, there are health effects as well.  Cocoa or dark chocolate may positively affect the circulatory system.  Other possible effects include anticancer, brain stimulator, and cough preventer.  An aphrodisiac effect is yet unproven, but death my chocolate cake sounds good too.  A BBC report indicated that melting chocolate in one's mouth produced an increase in brain activity.  The human heart rate becomes more intense than that associated with passionate kissing!. Really!  Also the feeling lasted four times as long after the activity had ended.  I feel that way about writing.  But I am not making out with my computer just to measure the lasting effects.

I get pleasure from writing.  It is important to my sense of self and understanding of myself as a person.  You don’t have to be the best at something to enjoy the passion of doing it.  These are most of the times my thoughts and feelings.  It is my way of venting and releasing my thoughts.   Some times they are letters to my self.  I can tell myself anything.  Sharing those thoughts with the world is not so easy.  Maybe I could increase my enjoyment by eating chocolate while writing. There is a sweet thought! 

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Spring track meet 1985

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