Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I moved! but not far.

Today is a rainy day, but I am happy to be at work.  I have not posted lately due to so many activities in my life.  My Christmas was quiet. I moved just day after Christmas, so I used that as an excuse to skip the holiday. My sister from New Mexico came for a visit and it was nice to see her again. The last time she came was when I was sick in the hospital.  She has also been good about calling me often to check on me.  She has more than once helped me with money too.  She is one of my many angels in my life.  We have had a sorted relationship in the past but it was good to see her.  I was also able to pass along some used household items to her. These included dishes, kitchen wares, and some other things that have been boxed up since the last time I moved in 2009.  I seem to always have two of everything.  So I give it away, clear out the clutter and kiss it good bye. 
Moving was a chore. That is why I hate doing it so much.  My favorite weather man had predicted rain and cold weather right around Christmas and I was concerned about how this would affect my move.  I imagined moving in the snow and freezing rain.  I tried to stay on top of the latest weather reports.  Cold. That is what I woke up to.  I had only slept about four hours the night before trying to get every thing ready to move.  I also had to try and get some friends because my sister  is not going to be able to drive from OKC to help. I had tried to pack everything and leave only the essentials handy.  All of the clothes, towels, blankets and  soft items would just be  packed in to large contractor bags.  It would mean fewer boxes.  We were not moving that far anyways, just three buildings away. 
I rented a ten foot truck for a day.  It was affordable, only about fifty bucks.  We could make several trips and the mileage would be minimal.   I think I drove less than ten miles before returning the truck.  Once everything was moved, my plan was to work on the old apartment:  cleaning and fixing any small damage.  I picked up the truck at 8 am. We loaded our first load. All of the drag and sewing boxes would go first. We could carry them easily and stack them.  Each one was labeled wigs, fabrics, crafts, and such.  I always joke that if Joann runs out of fabric, she should call me for more. I have a mini fabric warehouse.   It was very cold in the morning but there was no precipitation in sight.  My friends wouldn’t be able to come until after noon.  Wendy, my  sister and I moved two loads our selves and left the big furniture until our friends showed up.  After a few more trips, we were done.  That sounds easier than it really was.  We managed to move everything in one day!   I was so thankful to my friends Kelly and Trish for the help.  You never know how much stuff you have until you have to pack it up and move it.    I went back the next day to clean and make repairs.  I patched the nail holes and touched up the paint.  I also scrubbed the bathroom, and kitchen including the oven.  Easy off/... my ass.  My hands were so sore from scrubbing.  I also replaced two tiles that were broken and then the final thing would be to vacuum and run the carpet cleaner.  I had lived on the carpets for four years, but still it was important to try and make them look and smell good.  I suspect the carpets will be replaced due to condition and age.  We cleaned them good and so I would not have to pay cleaning costs.  It looked so good in there, I could have moved back in. 
I like my new apartment.  I am settling in nicely.  I have a stack of boxes in every room, but I don’t care.  I have more room plus master bathroom.  That is so great in the morning to shower, primp and dress with out crossing the hall in a towel.  I also like not having walking foot traffic out side my window.  My old place was well traveled between the buildings. I couldn’t open the blinds because people would be able to look in.  It’s the little things that I enjoy.  It is slowly becomeing my new home.

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