Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fredrick Oklahoma

My boss at work today told me that he was born in Fredrick.  What a small world. Fredrick is north just across the Red River from Vernon Texas.  It was probably 40 minutes from Electra.  That is where I grew up.  Fredrick is in the southwest corner of Oklahoma.  He lived there when he was very young but still he was surprised when I knew where it was.  After all, Fredrick was not a suburb of a major city. This was a small town of about  3000 people far away from the big city were I live and work now.   Fredrick was home to the Bombers foot ball team.  We played them in pre-season football.  We were not allowed to play regular season because were in different states.  Their team name was a tribute to the local aviations training that took place at a local military facility.  They have won the Oklahoma State championship several times. 
 My mom took us to the game once.  My oldest sister was playing the high school band. I was in Jr.High.  The band generally left during the after noon to get to the game. My sister rode the band bus.  I rode with my other siblings and mom.  The parents and fans would all drive their own cars to the game.  It was not unusual for the cars to be decorated with show polished windows and drivers wearing our school colors, red and white.  Our mascot was the Tigers.  Yes the Electra Tigers would challenge the Fredrick Bombers on their home turf in Fredrick.  Fredrick was a power house team during the 90’s.  It was a good game, but it rained off and on during the game. In the end,  Electra lost. 
I remember my mom driving in the rain; the wipers running on high. At one point it was hard to see the road.  My Dad did not go the game with us. My mom learned to be very independent because my Dad was always working or showed a lack of interest in frivolous activities. My dad’s attitude would change years later when my brother started playing ball.  If my brother played , my Dad was always there.  My mom drove the station wagon slowly due to the down pour.  Some times I wonder how Mom could handle everything and remain so cool.  She always seemed so calm.  Or it seemed that way.  Some times I catch my self pretending not be nervous in certain situations.  It keeps other from panicking.  This is important when they are looking up to me to resolve a difficult situation.  I imagine how my mom would handle things that always help me. 

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Spring track meet 1985

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