Friday, August 3, 2012

I was not a run away.

I really want to tell you every detail from the past week. But that would be boring.  Here is the short version.  I did not run away from home.   I was sick for three days.  Deathly sick, at least it felt that way.  I was planning a trip to OKC to see my family.  My plan changed becasue I was feeling like crap  I thought it would pass. It only got worse. I ended up in Urgent Care on friday.   I was having pain in my lower abdomen and fever and chills.  I was in bad shape by 5pm and my fever was 101.  I cancelled my trip. I was suffering from a Urinary tract infection that was first thought was spreading to my kidneys.  I was in a lot of pain.  I received a RX for antibiotics and a shot to get the antibiotics in my system faster.  That was a painful shot. It burned going in.  I was even more miserable waiting at the pharmacy to get the prescription filled.  They always say it will only take 20 minutes but it usually takes thirty even when they are not busy.  I had to sit and wait. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball. I finally got home and changed clothes. I lay on the couch disappointed in how my weekend was going so far.  I would be stuck in the house.  I used my down time to work on a computer and watch movies.  I wanted to get away from the stress that had been building in my life and all I could do was suffer from my physical aliments.  I continued to take the medicine, not sure if it was helping. I was not feeling any better.  I felt like some one had kick me in the nuts and it hurt internally. I had to be better by Monday.  I knew I had to be at work.  I was not used to having so much time to do nothing. My life recently had become work, sewing and shows.  I felt like I was stretched too thin.  I was juggling a full load. And the still have other commitments that I need to complete by next week.  I was trying to figure how to financially recover from the poor sale at Fort Worth Coronation.  I was not yet broke but need to stay on a budget.  All of this seems trivial compared to my health.  I felt better on Sunday.  I was still having pain when I moved or walked or tried to roll over in bed.  Other than that, I was doing well. I finally received a call about my test results.  It was good news. There were no “odd bacteria” in my kidneys.  And the doctors office assured me that the antibiotics prescribed were right on target for the infection I had. I finally left the house on Monday morning to go to work.  I would suffer through the day while continuing to take my antibiotics. I am better now.  Now its time to tackle those other issues in my life.

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Spring track meet 1985

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