Friday, November 11, 2011

Lesson # 1000325.....damn

I worked in a show last night, it was a great night. I am finally getting the exposure.  With one problem….I did not get paid.  I was told that the owner left early and they did not know how much or what the arrangement was. I was told to contact him. I called him.  I am frustrated, and I am waiting to hear back.   I guess this will a learning experience.  I may work for cheap, but I do not work for free.  I am hoping this is an easy resolution. 

UPDATE:  It took a few days and a couple of phone calls, but i got my money.  I tried to keep the conversation light and friendly.  I told the bar owner that I had a great time and the crowd at his bar was fun to entertain. All of which was the truth. I really did have a great show that night.  Then I gingerly told him, that I was unhappy about one thing....the pay issue.  He appoligized and said he would take care of it. And he did.  He also offered me an invitation to guest spot once a month and possibly a regualr spot at his other club. The new show is in the works and he needs good talent.  We are working out the deatils and he is puishing for me to work for him every week.  I would love too, and I feel I am ready to. Cross your fingers for me. 

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Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...