Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I spent Thanksgiving with my family.  It was good. I drove up I35 to Oklahoma City for the day. I thought maybe it would be crazy traffic, but it was fair.  I left at 6:30 am with my turkey hot and ready to travel.   I had packed an over night bag incase I decided to stay over night. Just the essentials: shirt, jeans, underwear and of course my favorite Tina Turner CD.  I’m sure I was a spectacle driving and lip-synching and passing cars full of families.  It was very foggy when I reached the Arbuckle Mountains. The Arbuckle Mountains are an ancient mountain range in south-central Oklahoma. The granite rocks of the Arbuckles date back to the Proterozoic Era some 1.4 billion years ago which were overlain by sediments during the Paleozoic Era. The range reaches a height of 1,412 feet above sea level.  It’s not the Rockies, but compared to the plains of north Texas….they are Mountains.
Turner Falls OK
 I love that area during the summer.  I have memories of going to Turner Falls and swimming as a kid. Turner Falls is in the heart of the Arbuckle area.  There is a river and water fall and swimming area below the falls.   I remember it was the first time I ever saw a guy with out a shirt and thought, wow he is hot.  I was probably about 10. 
I have been to Oklahoma City before and I always call or text when I pass certain landmarks, so my sister can judge how far away I am.  Once you get into Norman, you are home free and can usually be at my sister door in about 20 more minutes.   I made it about 9:30.  My sister had prepared some pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  It was great just to sit and talk.  I miss that.  Her kids and I watched the parade and laughed.  They seemed to miss me and I know I missed them.  It had been about four months since I had seen them.  The best moment was when my youngest niece, 11, said to me. “Uncle Mossie, did you bring us some make-up?  I told my mama to tell you.”  I smiled and laughed.  They have grown up knowing that I was some sort of singer.  That is how they see it.  They know I “sing” at the club.  They love playing with my costumes and makeup when ever they would come and visit me at my place.  I have a whole drag room for them to indulge their time.  It was nice to see my nieces.  They are so loving and sweet.  And so much fun to laugh and joke with.   My sister, Anita, cooked some great food.  I was so glad we could all be together.  To be honest, I have eleven nieces and nephews, but the only ones who call ME family, are my three nieces in Oklahoma.  It is hard for me to say that.  But it is the sad truth.  It is sad how the years of drama have cut my family in half.  We were once all so close.  I cherish the family I do have and tried not to worry about the past.  Not on Thanksgiving anyway.
We all ate.  My sister even made a pumpkin pie, from scratch….yes she scratched the frozen box and popped it in the oven to cook.  Just like Mom used to make.  She hates when I say that.  No matter, the pie was great.   I even enjoyed a quick nap on the couch, until my neck started to hurt.  I like the fact that I feel at home at my sister house.  Or maybe it was the turkey and big meal that made be feel sleepy.  I felt at peace either way.
I had thought I may stay the night.  The clothes in the car were for ‘just in case’.  I phoned a few of my old friends.  I was hoping we might meet for drinks.  I have known these guys for about ten years. They have all asked me at some point in the past when I was going to move back to OKC.  I can clearly say today.  That is not going to happen.  It is not my home, just someplace I used to live.  After calling a few old friends, it seemed they were all too busy.  It really hurt my feelings. They knew I was coming.  Maybe it’s time to let those old friends go. I guess they mean more to me than I do to them, anymore.  I did my best to enjoy my family but I did not stay.  I drove back.  The visit was a short but good one.  I sang all the way home and called my sister so that she would know I was home safe. 
I unloaded the car and walked the dogs.  I reflected on my day trip and how fun it was.  I got a text.  I had forgotten my friend from Houston was in town.  I was thinking I was going to wind down, but he was inviting me to meet him for drinks.   I can’t resist the invitation. It had been over six months since he had been in town.  Vince and I have been friends for the last four years.  We meet one night in Fort Worth, when he proceeded to tell me how amazing he thought I was in a previous show.   Needless to say I love his honesty.   He has a fun personality and we became close.  He was a dancer and had done drag before.  We had a lot in common.  Now he is a manager for an exclusive restaurant in Houston.  There were not very many people at the club on Thanksgiving night.  It was more about seeing my old friend.  We laughed until it hurt.  I enjoyed it. 
I went to the movies on Friday night.  My good friend Andy aka “Kandace” asked me to go.  Her husband was gone out of town still visiting family.  She wanted to go do something.  We caught dinner at a small Italian place and then saw the Immortals in 3D.  It was worth the price of admission.  I have not been a theatre in months. 
Saturday I had a show. It was early.  One of the local charity organizations needed entertainers.  It was a Christmas theme show.  So I pulled out two of my red dresses and my good white fur and hit the club. I was all dolled up in drag.  I few quick easy numbers and I was ready to party.  My other  friend was also in the show. “Natasha” and her partner Paul are always fun.  It was good to cut loose and have fun.  We danced and over indulged a bit on refreshing adult beverages.  Luckily I made it home safe. I remember taking off my drag and makeup and then….well that’s about it.  I woke up the next morning with a splitting head ache. Yes, I caught my self a hangover.  I was miserable all day, but I hear I was the life of the party the night before.   I think I am too old to be a party girl again.  I cut all that stuff when I was about 25.  The party girl is best left in the past. 
On Sunday, I slept in and cleaned house.

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