Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oaklawn robbery.

I have been feeling better. I was in a funk for the last few weeks. Too much work, not enough fun.  In fact my job had kept us super busy. I was working hard and pulling a many hours as possible.  The availability of over time has been good for me.  I have managed to pay off some bills and only have one more car payment due in December.  Then this car is mine, free and clear. (pat myself on the back)   My goal is to set myself up to start the New Year on the right foot.  There have been set backs and miss steps this year, but over all, I can say I made it.  I was so proud of myself this past week; I had given myself permission to go out.  My friend was hosting a show at a small bar in Dallas gay neighborhood, Oaklawn.  My plan was to stop in for a drink and catch the show.  Then I would venture across the street to the Roundup. The Roundup is a great place to watch the cowboys dance.  Lord knows, it would be a well deserved diversion from my recent work obligations.  So I ironed my shirt. The one it took me 15 minutes to select. And prepared for a night out.  I only had to make one quick stop to get gas and cash.  I had finally gotten paid from my last drag gig and I received  a $100 bill as part of my payment.  I was holding that to use toward my car payment the following morning. So I withdrew a couple of twenties from the ATM as my spending money for the night. I tucked 20 in my wallet with the 100 I already had. The other 20 in shoved in my left front pocket.  I was on my way.  I drove around looking for a parking space. The Drama Room has its own parking lot behind the bar but I was not in the mood to pay 10 bucks just to park. I might have paid if I had been in drag, but I was just me. I did not have to haul any luggage or wigs.  It was only a few blocks to park on the street and then walk up to the main strip. I found a space. Yes.  I quickly grabbed my phone and locked the car.  It was dark but I could see the lights from the clubs ahead.    
I heard a deep male voice behind me and kept walking.  I felt someone shove me from behind almost knocking me down.  What the fuck?  Before I knew what was happening he had his arms around me and demanded money.  “what the fuck is your problem?”  He repeated again, “give me your money”  Oh shit, I thought. I’m being robbed. I remember I was cussing him. I think I used the N-word.  How could he do this to someone?  I was mad.  I was not really scared, but felt confused and angry.  I tried to reached for my wallet and he snatched it from me and quickly opened it.  He pulled out my cash and threw the wallet on the ground.  I felt my feet slowly stepping backwards.  Holy shit was this real? It happened so quickly. That piece of shit just took off down the block with my money. He disappeared into the dark.   I looked around, but saw no one.  I picked up my wallet and looked in it.  Yes, all gone. I was hopping this was a bad dream. But it was real.  My phone? Where was my phone?  I called 911.  I was so frustrated.  I think, I was rambling.  I was so nervous.  I needed help.  The police were on their way.  It seemed to take forever.  I saw a few guys in the distance, but they were not headed my way. Too far to talk to them.  Then one guy, an obvious club patron passed me as I waited by the fence.  “Be careful” I said in a friendly way.  “I just got robbed down that way.”  “No shit?” he said in disbelief.  I quickly told him what happened. He asked if I was ok.  I was. I was just shaken and concerned about how long the cops were taking to get there.  He tried to talk to me, but I don’t really remember what about.  “Here comes your cops.” he said as he continued walking down the side walk.  It was the cops pulling up.  They asked my name and took a report.  I was glad to have some feeling of relief. I felt that at least they would be looking for this guy, even if they don’t catch him.  I began to breathe a little easier.  I gave them his description :  Black male, 6-3, white shirt, jeans, red and blue baseball cap.  I told them all I could remember.  I thanked them for showing up.  They gave me a report number and said they would drive around and see if any in the area might be the person. They advised me to go home.  No problem there.  I knew that was where I would go.  I was half way home, before I called my sister in OKC.  At first, I was not sure if I should. It was 1 am and she would be asleep.  But I did.  We talked as I drove.  I told her what happened.  It had been one crazy night.  I had learned to never park in that neighborhood again.  I had taken it for granted that I would be ok.  It was not worth it to save a few bucks on parking.  Also it is better to have other friends with me.  It sounds simple now, but it was a hard lesson, I will not soon forget. I was lucky, it could have been crazy worse.  I have had many friends calling, once they heard the news.  I appreciate their concerns.  I also feel it is important to warn my friends.  Many of them also frequent that neighbor hood at night.  I don’t anything to happen to them.

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