Thursday, July 12, 2012


                Happy Birthday Ginger-Snapps!
I have not seen Ginger since the night she came to Longview.  We had a prelim pageant there last month. Ginger and I used to be close.  She is a combination of a mother figure and a great friend.  I met Ginger though a mutual friend.  Bryan was also an aspiring drag queen like me.  Ginger would often help Bryan and they were neighbors. Ginger had asked me to make a dress for her daughter’s prom.  It seemed just a project at the time, but Ginger and I became good friends.  The dress turned out great and looked beautiful on her daughter.  Ginger had been happily divorced for a few years and lived with her two teen age kids.  Ginger and I would go out to eat often or just call each other everyday. Many times we would hang out and watch TV since we lived in the same suburb.  Other times we would meet at the El Chico for dinner and Blue Wave to drink.   I miss that.
She was often involved in the drag pageants. She would work the door or be someone’s dresser back stage.  She knew several of the queens by name.  Yep, she was my buddy.  She would help me dress at he shows and help with props at the pageants.  She was also good with bouncing ideas around when I needed creative input. 
I remember, I was booked for New Years Eve show at Illusions in Dallas.  It was a drag bar and Ginger and I made plans to ring in the New Year.  I didn’t know that it would be the beginning of a major change in our friendship.  I arrived and the show started. I assumed Ginger was on her way. As midnight approached I called her. No answer.  I was not happy.  My friend was missing the New Year’s celebration.  She finally called back after midnight.  She was upset. She was driving to Shreveport, her home town.   She shared the news that her mom had collapsed at a local veteran group New Years party.  She was being rushed to the hospital and Ginger was driving to Shreveport to be with her Mom. Apparently her mother was helping set up the party and suffered a stroke/heart attack at the VFW hall.   Her mother, Betty, I met once when she was in Dallas for a visit.  She was well dressed, educated and funny.   She was an active older woman who had several close friends and a bubbly personality; just like Ginger. Setting across from them I noticed the similarities.  Ginger was so much like her mother. It was cute.
Ginger’s mom was in serious condition.  It was sad.  From what I understand, she never woke up again.  She left this world a few weeks later after the family decided it was best to let her go.  Ginger was gone for several weeks after ward.  She and her family had the difficult task of dealing with the death, and her mother’s estate.  Ginger and her family had just suffered a difficult event. I personally was conflicted.  I wanted to call everyday to check on Ginger but also wanted to giver her time to deal with her loss privately with her true family.  I tried to reassure Ginger that she had my support if she needed me. 
During her time in Shreveport, Ginger reconnected with a childhood friend, Robert.  She always called him Bobby since childhood.  Now he was Robert.  Robert’s and Ginger’s mothers had been long time friends.  When Ginger and Robert were kids they used to play together.  They had grown up and lost touch. Gingers mothers passing brought them back together.  I guess maybe it was fate.  Ginger had told me she had no intentions of ever going back to Shreveport.  She had suffered through a tough marriage and difficult relationships there.  She had finally made peace with her past and was doing her best to be a good mom. (Which she was). 
Ginger continued to see Robert and eventually introduced him to her friends.  I was not too sure what to think of him.  Rough around the edges does not quite cover it with Robert. .He has long wild hair, and a deep voice. Outwardly,  he looks tough.  Maybe like a biker?  Looks are very deceiving.   Robert is a great person.  He is loyal, friendly, honest and open minded.  He is self employed and enjoys life.  He also has a way of letting Ginger think she is running everything.  I remember the first time he came to a drag show with Ginger.  I said hello. He said “what’s up sugar britches?” I  could not help but laugh.  He is a good man and eventually he became Ginger’s husband.  In September 2010 they made it official.  Yep, she wore a white dress and walked down the aisle to be Mrs. Robert Hankinson.  I was the unofficial bridesmaid.   She even wore my good ‘gut-sucking’ girdle.  I always joke, that it is steel belted.  It holds you in like a stuffed sausage.  They got married in Shreveport and now reside there. The wedding reception was fun. I think there is video of me on stage lip syncing to “girls just want to have fun” as a boy. I guess that what happens when you have a margarita machine at the reception.  She left her life in Dallas and found love after saying good bye to her mother. 
Ginger is still a good friend.  It is nice to have some one who gives you great advice, keeps me motivated and listens to me bitch about my life.  Friends like her are hard to find.  Some times when Ginger calls me on her way home from work, it reminds me of the old days when she was here local and we shared so much on a daily basis. 

Here is another quick recipe : THE TRAILER PARK BARBIE

Nothing tops off an afternoon bar-b-que like a refreshing adult drink. I’m sure most people have heard about a Malibu Barbie. It is a drink made with rum 2 oz
Malibu® coconut rum and 8 oz pineapple juice.

Ginger and I made our own drink, THE TRAILER PARK BARBIE….Pineapple Fanta and as much vodka as you want! Ahh, enjoy.


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