Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my birthday this month

Ever wish you could create your own buttons?
I thought this was funny.

Well, it took almost 37 years but I found one. I finally found a friend who shares the same birthday. I don’t know why it was so hard. I know several people born in my month, but none born on the same day. I am very pleased that it is my new friend Kelly E.  Kelly and I met through a mutual friend. She is a Lesbian, who has two get kids and a super nice partner. Kelly also helped take pictures during the Miss Texas State Pageant last month. Just after the pageant we started talking via social networking site, Face book.  She even talked me into helping with her daughters cheerleading project last month. I gladly gave up my Friday night plans  and helped. Each girl was supposed to create a cheer/team spirit shirt. They could decorate it and be creative. Kelly was not sure what to do, so I offered to help. I love any thing fun and crafty. Also being a queen, it was another excuse to rhinestone something. We shopped for supplies and then got to work on the shirts. Kelly and I and another mom worked together in a mini sweat shop. We decorated shirts and megaphones and even made these cute seats for the girls to sit upon. I had so much fun, and I heard that the girls love what we had made for them. These cheerleaders are under 10, so anything with their name all over it is bound to be a hit. Kelly was so much fun to work with. And her family are so cute together. Then today I noticed on my Face Book, that we share the same birthday. I think that is great. Kelly was excited to hear about it too. I knew I liked her. All people born in October are great!  My Birthday is just a few weeks away.  I really want a homemade pecan pie and maybe a dinner out at Joe T. Garcia’s restaurant in Fort Worth. I dare to dream.  (table for one please).

1 comment:

Kelly Eastep said...

Ah you are the best Mattie I'm so glad you came into my life! Our shirts and bucket chairs turned out so cute and we had so much fun hanging out and learning some creativity from you! No one believes me when I tell them we made our shirts everyone thinks we bought them like that! I always reply with you can't buy stuff this cute in stores! Lol you would be so proud of me! I made all the mums for the girls for our pep rally an homecoming fri and sat I can't believe i didn't have you come help me with them! They were super easy but I would have had more fun with you there! I'll post a pic of the mums on fb let me know if I should add or take away anything! I'm so excited that I finally foun someone to share my birthday with me! Us libras are the best I must admit! Your the only one I know that has the 18th also! Yaay I knew I loved you! And as far as Joe Ts goes I say you make that a table for two we should so go but it has to be a patio seat! It's been my favorite place to eat since I was a kid! It was the last resteraunt my dad took me to before he passed away and it's been my favorite every since! We should really go! Every since I had you over to design our shirts I have been obsessed with rhinestones I find my self constantly going through my house trying to find things to bling and I am hooked on arts and crafts now haha! If you need any he'll beading let me know I'm on it! Well thank you for being in my life and I can't wait to see you again soon. Love and hugs to you sweetie! Muah!

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...