Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Late night callers

I got an unexpected phone call last night.  I was finishing up some house work and we preparing for bed.  It was some one from Oklahoma City calling.  It was another drag queen named Jozlyn.  She and I meet a few years ago through mutual friends.  I am still friends with people in OKC, because I used to live there about ten years ago.  I was in my mid-twenties then. I was working  and living in Wichita Falls and wanted to make a change.  So I moved to OKC, where one of my good sisters was living.  I lived there about  a year.  I had made some success doing local pageants and local drag shows.  I was enjoying myself and made some good friends. 

                The call last night was an invitation to come back for the Miss Oklahoma at large pageant, one of the many titles I have held since my drag career began.  I am now a former, and they wanted to ask formers to come be recognized and perform a solo drag number for the crowd.  I was so excited, I could hardly talk on the phone.  I felt good to be remembered. Also it is the chance to see old friends again.  I quickly wrote down all the information and thanked Jozlyn for calling me.  I  immmediatly called my sister in OKC.  “guess what?”  I told her about the booking and how I couldn’t wait to be in town in the next few weeks.  She said I could crash at her place and it would save on hotel cost.  She is always looking  out for me.
                This upcoming  trip to Oklahoma is all I could think about this morning.  I am trying to weigh the pro and cons of it.  If my memory serves me right, I did not have such a great time at last year’s pageant.  I felt very out of place and unprepared.  I did some sappy ballad number and wore one of my favorite costumes.  But this year, I want to wow them!  I am going to work hard in the next few weeks to create a new costume and find the perfect song.  I want so much to shine.  Sometimes, a plain old show number just will not do.  Also I will have to put in extra hours at work, so I can afford to make the trip.  It is about three hours drive, plus food, plus pocket money.  I want to  make it a long weekend and visit friends and family. 

1 comment:

cooper2976 said...


I just want to let you know that you are inspiration to a lot of people! You are truly a class act and know how to act classy all of the time! It is an honor to call you a friend! Thank you for being you!


Scarlett Rayne

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