Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm ready fo the weekend

I have not really been able to enjoy a weekend out lately, but I have the feeling that is about to change. This weekend, I will playing hostess to more people that I bargained for.  I have three groups of people all wanted to come for a visit.  My friend Ginger, who moved to Shreveport last year, she will be here Friday night. My Cousin Johnny and his boyfriend will be in town on Saturday.  I have not seen them in several months.  And I think my sister from OKC is coming down during the day to drop off my niece.  My niece  is staying with me for a month.  She is a good kid.  She is very close to her mom (my sister) and they are a lot alike.  I  am not sure why she wants to come stay with me, but it will be fine.  It will give me a chance to spoil her and then send her back home.  I figure she can watch all the TV she wants, and go to the library. Its just down the street. Plus I have a ton of movies and its not like she cant cook. My sister says she proficient at nuking stuff in the microwave. 
I hope the house is ready for company.  I am always afraid that if the house is not clean, friends will talk about you.  Plus I want people to think highly of me. I want them to say ’that Mattie keeps a tidy home for herself’.    Trust me, my love life maybe a wreck, but my house will be on point. (Plus I’m addicted to Fabreeze.)   I will be the domestic goddess. I try to hide my imperfections.  At least until they leave.  Then its back to dirty dishes in the sink, and unmade beds.  No one see it like that but me.  I tell my friends….call first. And I mean it.   So I can run the vacuum and hide the pots and pan under the sink.
Wish me luck with my extended group of company. It is nice to have people want to come and see you.  I will probably  take everyone out for a night on the town.  I’m sure we can find some trouble to get into.  Rainbow Lounge in Fort Worth is always fun, and they make great drinks. 
I also plan on performing at the Best Friends club in Fort Worth on Sundy night.  I have not done a show there in several weeks.It will be great to see some friends again. 
 I need to get back to sewing.  I have put it on hold because….well have not been in the mood.  For those who don’t know, I have an entire drag room. It is my drag /sewing room.  It  is full of costumes and gowns.  Also my sewing machine, cutting table and my stacks and stacks of storage containers full of fabric and craft items.  One day I will have a warehouse and boutique of my own.  Then I can have my large bedroom back.  I hope to put a bed in there one day.  When I moved in, I chose to make the smaller of the bedrooms, my room.  I put all of the drag and sewing stuff in the large bedroom.  What I really need is a third bed room.  But not all wishes come true.

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Spring track meet 1985

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