Wednesday, May 11, 2011

this morning.

This morning, I woke up. I had to go to my regular job. I work Monday through Friday at a warehouse in Irving.  It is my job, but not my passion.  I need to hold this job.  It provides me with a steady income, health insurance and allows me to do what i enjoy.  I call it my job, but not my career. 

My bio was just a sample of who I am.  The past has been a very difficult place to be but I am working hard to be the person I want to be. 

Here is how things are right now today.  I live in Texas.  I am 36 years old.  Widowed.  Hispanic.  I have one brother, and four sisters.  My mom and dad are no longer living. I grew up in a small town in Texas and do not plan on ever going back.  I have traveled some, and want to travel more.  I have paid my rent, and have been living the last two weeks on about 40 dollars.  Pay day is in two day, and I think I’m gonna make it. 
Now let be break all that general information into an elaborate story about who I am.  I have lived in Texas most of my life.  My mom told me about when we lived in Kansas when I was a baby, But I don’t remember it.  I was born in Wichita Falls Texas in the fall of 1974.  My parents lived about 30 miles about side of Wichita Falls and it was the nearest birth hospital. My mom always told me stories about how I was almost born on the side of the road. Dad drove her to the hospital, but the baby was already  making it way into the world.  If he would have stopped, I would have been born on highway 287.  I’m not sure if it was true, but she loved embarrassing my with that story every year. 
My mom, told me how much she had wanted another baby, she had miscarried triplets before she conceived me.  She only told me that story once.  I’m not sure I want to tell you about it, it was difficult for her.  Then she had me, all 9 lbs and 10 oz.  I was a large baby.  So fat, I looked like a baby sumo.  Little did my parents know that the joy, would soon be hurt.  I was sick.  As a baby, my weight dropped and with in a few weeks, my mom thought I was gonna die.  She kept taking me to the doctor but they could not figure out what was wrong with me. My mom, said I would throw up milk and would not eat.  She said I was so sick,  I could barely cry.  My body was rejecting all nutrition.  My mom prayed and prayed. My dad was so hurt, all he could do was comfort my mother.   Finally , they learned I was allergic to milk.  It seemed crazy, because that is what babies drink, mothers milk, cows milk, formula.  My body could not digest it.  So they did what every parent would do, yep, they bought a goat.  I’m not sure who milked it, but it worked.  My health quickly  returned and I lived.  Mom said she thanked god for my life. My mom died in 2003 of kidney failure and my dad died in 2005 after a short battle with cancer. 
I have one brother and a sister who are older that me.  Just by a couple of years.  We were all very close growing up as kids, but we don’t talk anymore.  They don’t approve of my life.  I know a lot of people like me. We make our friends into our family and treat our real family life strangers.  Having good friends, makes the pain of family betrayal a little easier to bare.

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