Thursday, July 14, 2011

my vision

My vision is to have a shop of my own.  It had been suggested to me to make it like a drag super store.  Where all queens could get costumes, dresses, makeup and accessories as well as wigs and shoes.  Honestly, it would be like Drag-Walmart. I don’t want to be Sam Walton.  I just want to be able to run my own business.   I really don’t think a large store is what I want. I want a smaller but successful store.  I would like a store front where I could have some rack and samples on display for purchase,.  It would be a working store where gown are designed and constructed.  I would like to be able to hire friends to work in the store part time.  I would also like to be able to quit my day job and just own my little shop. I would like to develop cliental.   I could also find times for custom fittings and design consultations.  I do not think I would do wedding dresses.  I really don’t like the “Taylor Swift’ 20 something’s” critiquing my work.  I would hate to have to bitch slap a client. That would be funny, daddy’s little princess being slapped by a big o’ queen!  So there I said it. “no wedding dresses” made.  If I can’t get married;   you can’t get married in one of my dresses.  Beside, slapping a customer is not good for business.  I feel it is better to cater to my drag entertainer crowd.  I would like to have a catchy name to the store…like Out of the Closet.  So when some asks where you got your new dress…you can say ‘out of the closet’.  I would have to set up shop in our local gay district.  I would be wedged between the gay café and the antique-crap store.  Or just across from the 300 dollar thong and dog collar store.  Creepy what gays will buy, just to be accepted into society.  Also my dresses will all be plus size.  In my line of work, you will always get a tooth pick queen who wears a size zero-two.  Yes, she may be a size two, but has four feet across shoulders. They look like ill-built women.  No hips, no curves.   They think because they are skinny that they are magically transsexual women. No hormones/surgery required.  I say, I’m sorry, I cant make anything for you.  They can go shopping at Dillard’s for all I care.  Regular men, make plus size women in drag. So I understand how hard it is to buy drag for a plus size person.  I just need some start up money, a great location, and new intern.  I guess its’ all just a dream, unless I can find some investors.  Maybe I should open a thong and collar store instead.  Anyone have any suggestions, leave me a comment.

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