Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A new name? maybe.

I have been thinking about a new name.  I mean after all these years, I may want to transition to a new one.  I met a guy at the Rose Room in Dallas one night.  He saw me all dressed up pretty and came over to talk to me.  He was from Colorado.  He told me about his city and how he knew all these fabulous drags there.  He must have been someone’s male drag hag.  That is a gay boy who follows as part of a drag queens entourage.  He is not a drag queen, but just doesn’t have any other friends.  He laughed when I told him my name.  “What kind of a name is that”, he questioned. I was immediately went into defense mode.  I had the same name for over ten years.  The nerve of this guy.  He told me I needed a prettier name.  So many girls have ghetto fabulous names .  Like Boonisha LaQuanda Davenport O’hara.  The two last names were used to pay homage to better known queens.  It’s a little too much I think.   Maybe I will find a middle name to make mine sound better. Mattie Rose Madison….or Mattie Louise Madison.  I just need something prettier, and catchy.   But what to use? Or maybe just a middle drag initial.  Mattie G.D. Madison….or Mattie F.N. Madison.  Now we are getting some where.  I really should have told this little jerk off.  But being the lady that I am, I was nice.  I told him I would give it some thought. ( I hope his car got a flat on the way to Colorado.)   

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