Monday, July 18, 2011

some good advice

My new friend has given me some good advice.  He is older, wiser, and smarter then I.  That is why I admire him so.  He understands the issues we all must face in life.  My life included.  He told me “Sometimes, self-realization and confidence takes years to develop. It's okay to look into the past, but don't let the bad times eat you up because dwelling on them will. Focus on the beauty of the moment, the hope of the future, and know that someday it will all come together for you.” That is the nicest thing a friend can say.  And you know what.  He is exactly right.  I needed that big reminder right now.  I feel that most recently I am moving in the right direction.  I am open to new things, I care about myself more, and I have let go of my baggage.  I also try to carry the love forward that has been shown to me in the past.  My life is not all wine and roses.  But then, who’s is anymore.  I guess what I am trying to say out loud is that I made it.  I am a survivor. There was joy in my past too. I will use that as my motivation to find joy in my future.  I want to say thank you to my friend.  He is a great man. (and you know who you are!)

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Spring track meet 1985

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