Monday, December 5, 2011

Friday with new Friends

I went out Friday night, even though I had to be at work the next morning.  I had been working 10 hours days all last week, and I was ready for a break.  Brianna Allen called me back and we decided to invite her friend “Selena” to join us out. The more the merrier.  Selena is also a local drag queen in Dallas.  We all know a lot of the same people. My goal was to enjoy a non-drag night out at the bars.  Plus it would give us the opportunity to get to know each other better.   We had made plans to meet at Selena place. It was just near the gay strip and we would venture over to the clubs together. But in my usual fashion, I was running late.  I always dress according to how I feel.  Before my shower, I was feeling like a Polo shirt and jeans, but changed my mind only after I had the whole outfit on.  I wanted to look nice.  So I changed my clothes but had to run the iron over my button down dress shirt.  This new look seemed to fit my mood better.   These guys had never seen me out of drag.  We had only met at shows.  They did not really know what I look like because I don’t ever change after shows like some entertainers do.    I feel if I came in drag, I go home in drag. My neighbors are confused enough, to say the least. 
I was about 15 min late.  I was in the car and the phone rang. Damn. It was Brianna. We decided to meet at the bar instead.  I headed directly to the bar. That suited me better.  I would be able to leave if it got too late. After all, I had to be at work at 6am. 
The boys were already inside.  I grabbed a beer and found them at the back bar.  I put on my nicest smile and received a hug in return.  So great.  They looked me over.  Then once I spoke;  They knew it was really me.  These guys were so funny. It turns out they thought I was Italian, but no. I’m just Mexican.  I guess in drag I have a certain look.  Plus my olive skin makes me look Italian to them I guess.  (I have some times been told I look Native American.)  They did say that they admire my makeup skills. 
They had been friends for several years and like most good friends, knew all the old dirt on each other.  It was fun to hear the stories about how they met, their past experiences in drag and of course funny bar stories. Brianna loves to talk.  She is a natural story teller.  It reminded me of the time I had back home with my old friends.  There is nothing like old “war stories” from past drag shows.  It turns out, my new friend “Brianna” used to do drag back in the 90’s. That was years before I came out or had ever been to a Dallas.  She is now in her mid 40’s and told me great stories of how she came from a small town and her first time in drag. And now she was coming back out again in drag to help raise money for local gay charities.  Plus she is a big flirt and loves the attention.  I remember seeing “Selena” in Drag before. She loves short dresses and bare legs and more than once has flashed her business to the audience during the shows.   She is a skinny queen and I guess she can get away with it.  Me? I need the dance tights to make my legs look firm and not jiggle. Also it helps to hide my body padding.  Padding is something these girls don’t seem to be concerned with.  To them, it’s like wearing nails….its optional.  For me it is a necessity.  I always want to be complete.  Lashes, Nails and padding are a total must.  I always want to look my best.   
“Selena” and I also found out that we share the same last name as guys.  It was too funny. I thought she was joking.   I don’t think we are related, if I had a cousin as funny as her, I’m sure I would have known it.  I really enjoyed laughing with these guys.  I also got invited to do a show in Jan that Brianna is putting together.  So that will be fun.  I usually feel out of place if I’m in a bar with out being dressed in drag.  For the first time in years, the thought never crossed my mind that night.  I will never forget something Brianna said “the one who dies with the most friends, wins” …..I think have some catching up to do.  They are a great couple of guys.  I need more fun people in my life.

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