Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our old house

This is a pic ture I found on the internet. This House is similar to our old one...It is erie, the similarity in what I remember in my head. I dont know where this house is really located.
I remember several things from my child hood. Some I have talked about previously. We lived in an old house in Electra. I remember this as the first place I lived. When I was a baby we lived in Wichita, Kansas. I don’t remember that at all. I was born in 1974. The big house on Ave B, brings back memories of my mom. It was there that I remember my mom cooking, in the small kitchen. I remember her always making beans. Beans were a staple in our Mexican family home. Plus they were cheap. We has a big black stove and an old white 50’s fridge.  Our table was given to us by the neighbors. The house was probably built in the 20’s. My parents bought it for a few thousand dollars in the early 1970’s.  It was old and run down. There were things about the house that stick out in my mind. First, there was no hot water, there was a room upstairs that we never used, and for some reason, we always entered through the back of the house. We did not even use the front door. The house set on an acre of land. The house was there way before the neighborhood was built around it. Our house and lot was huge compared to others on either side. We had a big yard and lots of room to play. We were good at entertain our selves with stories and made up games.( I still enjoy making up games. We have The Movie Game and the Who am I? Game. We act out something/or someone for the other one to laugh at.) We would also play in the old cars that my dad had parked on the side of the house. They were fun. I don’t know where they came from, but we would pretend we were going some where and my Big sister would “drive”.  She was 7, and could not reach the pedals. But it was more about the fake steering. We would play for hours then go watch one of the tree channels on TV in my mom and Dad’s room.
I remember my brother and sister got to go to school. I was too young. I was about four. I cried because I wanted to go too. I did not like spending hours by myself and my younger sister, Anita, was still in a crib.  I didn’t know what a school was or where it was. I just wanted to be with them. It was not until I finally got to school, that I realized my siblings and I were to be in different grades.  No one told me that.  We had always been together. So on Saturday, we would play school in the front room. My oldest sister would teach us whatever she remembered from the previous week at real school.  My brother was never good at this game. He was always more active. He made me play War with him….I think he just wanted some one to throw mud grenades at. Like a sheep, I followed. I admired him, until I finally realized he did not like me. He could be mean. He was not a good big brother. That wedge in our relationship still exists.
We would plant a small garden on the other side of the house. My dad liked fresh peppers and my mom grew them. Also she grew tomatoes, and cantaloupes. I remember helping my mom water and weed. I also enjoyed playing in the dirt.  It was fun learning about plants. My mom was a very good nurturer: plants, pets and children.  She could tend to them all. I myself enjoy plants in my home. Some plants I have had for over 10 years. They keep living and growing. I get that from her.
When I was in first grade, we moved across town to a better house. We then lived two blocks from the school. It was an easy walk, because my parents both worked. I remember when the old house was torn down, heck it was falling down. We were the last family to live there.  It was torn down in the 80’s.  My parents owned the empty lot for years. It just sat there. We never built on it again. All that was left was the big tree and the slab from the front porch steps Then my dad willed it my brother in 2005. I heard he sold it for a few hundred dollars. I wonder if my sister remembers it?

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