Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Well great news. I have once again been invited to be a vendor at Dallas Coronation. It will be the last weekend in October.  I had been expecting an email from the committee chair person any day, but nothing came. I was concerned. It seemed that the committee had selected a new person to head the vendor sale committee for the event. I talked in person to Kerri Lynn, the Regent Empress of Dallas. She and I were in the show at the Hidden Door this past Saturday night. It was a good thing. She said that the committee did not have my contact information. No one knew how to reach me. I assume the last person did not pass it along to them. What ever the case, I am excited now. I have a month to work on new dresses.  I will be pulling fabrics and working o some sketches this week.  I also need to order rhinestones. The ones I had are almost gone. Every girl loves bling bling. I also need to get my drag room in order. It still looks like a tornado from the last pageant.  I am also happy that this trunk show will be here in Dallas. I don’t have to lug this stuff all over the state again. That can be a pain.  It is great to be invited back to another Dallas Coronation. This is my third year. The people are the friendliest in Texas.

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Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...