Thursday, September 8, 2011

I was a superstar

I had a great evening yesterday.  I was able to hold my head up and celebrate my new crown like a celebrity. Also I looked great.  I was surrounded by people who love and support me. There were probably 15 in our group.  I have to say that the pageant in Dallas was sad.   But just to give proper respect….The best girl of the night did win. Great Job Jenna Skye. That was a good thing. It was just a small pageant with only 3 contestants. The winner deserved to win regardless of the number of contestants. I have to be clear about that.  She was great.  I also got to see some of my Favorite Miss Gay Americas..Charity Case, Catia Lee Love, Patti LePlae Safe and got to meet Coti Collins the reining MGA. She made her way through the crowd toward our flashy rhinestone crowns. She was very nice to us.
I saw this dress on Catria last night,
and Im gonna make me one.
It is sad because…This was Texas America Pageant.? Wow. The once prestigious pageant is now run into the ground. They had no prelims this year. There used to be over twenty prelims and 40 plus contestants each year.  Those days are gone.  This is the same pageant that I have tried three times to win. In fact I had been approached about entering this one.  I gave them a polite, ”heck no”. The hurt feelings from last year’s loss at Texas America are gone and I moved on.  Me not winning lat year was a blessing in disguise. I chose to set a new goal for my self…Texas State at Large. Luckily it worked out. I am head in a new direction.
It was like being a superstar last night. I was surrounded by friends and even several of this year’s pageants contestants, whom I competed with last week. I would like to see many of them return again this next year.  After all, I am their new title holder. I want to establish a good friendship with them. Also the owners of Miss Texas State system were there too. We were out own group. And no one could help but notice Jade and I wear our matching crowns and mingling with every stranger in the bar. They even announced that we were in the House during the evening. It was great to be recognized.  We tried to be as friendly as possible. I was getting good at introducing myself to strangers and then following it up with “and have you meet my friend Jade, She is Miss Texas State 2012” And FYI, I was right, she wore a cute short strapless dress and the highest heels possible. We were jokingly the “tuna sisters” because we looked like real fish. We looked great with our real girl make up on and long flowing hair. We had a great night, plus it was over early and I was able to get home hours before the bars closed. After all it was a week night.

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