Wednesday, September 7, 2011

stepping out in Dallas

Tonight Jade, Miss TX State and I are stepping out for our first appearance.  There is a pageant at the Round Up tonite in Dallas.  There are sure to be a lot of people out there.  Our goal is to be seen as the new faces for our system. Jade and I have become friends over the last few months. She got involved with the pageants because of her friend, Brittney Brooks, was last years winner.  They traveled together most of the year. She was always at Brittney’s side. She was watching and learning.  I remember the first time I met Jade. I was in the dressing room at the Brick in Dallas. There was a show in which I was an invited guest entertainer. I knew Brittney.  And with her was this little, half-tranny, looking boy. She was wearing a house dress and flip flops. Interesting look.  Now keep in mind that Jade is not a transsexual. But in street clothes she does look very feminine. Transsexuals are not allowed in the Texas State system.  We consider ourselves men who offer a true illusion of female:  We are true female impersonators. Not transsexuals.  That being said, Jade is pretty and fish looking. I hate to tell her that one day her male hormones will catch up to her. Then you have to relay on styleism over realism. You will go from looking like your sister…to looking like you mom!  When your 30, cover girl will no longer cover boys. It will take a heavier foundation to cover a male shadow. It just happens. 
Jade and I instantly started talking. I love friends like that. They seem to connect with you right away. They seem to just accept my sarcastic sense of humor.  She and I always have fun together.  She is like the little sister I never wanted.  Opps there goes my humor again. Ilike her alot, honestly.
I have invited several people to come hang out with us tonight. I hope we get a good group.  I just don’t know what to wear. Jade is probably going to wear some petite cute, real girl dress and I guess I will have to wear a modest cocktail dress. I want to look like drag sisters, not mother and daughter. I may try and sexy it up a bit, yet still look appropriate with my crown.  I may have to make something new.  I can make a dress in an hour. I want to look like I belong under that crown.

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