Monday, September 12, 2011

nick names

Ok, I need a nick name. According to my teen quiz online, Everyone should have one. No one should call their friends by their real name.  Just like Snooky’s name is not “snooky”.  And “the Beib” is really Justin Beiber.  So since I am someone…then I need one too. I think I have been called every bad name the book. Even though, they were not all true. Like Fag, Slut, Whore, Home Wrecker, or worse yet…”dumb drag queen”. I have tried to let all the negative ones go, even thought I still remember them vividly. These were not nicknames, they were just names.  There are names I have managed to avoid…I have never been called a thief, liar, or cheater. 
 I have had several nick names over the years. Some were cute and others were mean. In school I was called “Hose-B”.  It took some time to figure out why this was my nick name. I did not like it because I did not know what it meant. Then I figured it out…..My Brother was Jose…as the white people pronounced it ( Hose-A) There for I was “Hose-B”.  Yes I know, that is dumb. Lucky for me it did not stick very long. 
In college, I was quiet and shy. I did not know a lot of people. So when I would join the guys for lunch in the student center they would all call out ”Norm”…just like the sitcom Cheers.  That was kind of dumb but it forced me to tell them I preferred my name…not Norm. I eventually opened up more.
Then back years ago I started doing drag, that is where I got he name ”miss maytag” It was more of people making fun of my size. My cousin’s friends thought it was funny.  They said I moved like a washing machine. But at the time, I did not let it bother me too much, because I wanted them to remember me. We all crave attention when we first venture out in the drag world. Then in later years I had Rachel Erricks from OKC called me “Crafty Sue”. She would always refer to the out fits I would make. Again, it was nice to be noticed. I’m sure she thought my out fits were ugly, but kept it a semi-cute nickname instead of mean. Rachel is a nice person, after all.  I don’t think she would ever inrentionally make fun of someone.  I remember she had names for other queens too….Like No-neck Nancy or Rita Real-girl, or Cinder-Fella.  I guess Crafty Sue was not so bad.
I bought my first sewing machine in OKC. It cost me forty hard earned dollars. It had one stitch and one bobbin. I got it threaded for the first time with black thread, and kept the same color thread for every thing. I was struggling back then, so colors were a luxury. I barely had money for fabrics. And usually I bought dollar a yard fabric from the Belle Isle station Walmart in OKC. It was the one closest to my house.
So now I need a nick name. I want some thing nice, cute and stylish or trendy. But what?

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