Friday, August 19, 2011

Austin Coronation

Look out Austin here I come.
I have been preparing for another trunk show in Austin.  I will be selling my gowns and dress out of town again.  I will be leaving at 6 am Saturday to travel the 3.5 hours down I35 to Austin. I am not taking as much as last time, just due to logistics.  I have already had a few calls from clients inquiring about what gowns I am bringing.  I have already pre-sold 3 and hope that the rest sell too.  It is never easy getting ready for these events. In fact, to be honest, I am sewing myself broke.  I have spent way too much on fabrics and  rhinestones, that I just want to recoupe the money I have already shelled out.  I know this is not the best business model, but I have to look at it as an investment.  Even if I had to use my car payment money to do it. At some point I will have to do one of two things...cut my losses and let it go, or start doing this full time. For now I am just glad that people like my designs and I continue to be asked to be a vendor at these events.   I am just hopeing it all turns out well tomorrow I have to take thins one sale at a time. This is another big gamble. I have done three sales this year.  Tulsa, Fort Worth, Austin and hope to do the next in Dallas this fall.  

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Spring track meet 1985

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