Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Casey I'm sorry.

My love life did not end with the last post. After GW, I did not date for a couple of years.  That was a big chapter of my life.  (I know it was long, but I had a lot I needed to say.)  I wish I could write my own book about grief.  It would be helpful for gay men to know they are not alone.  I wish some one had told that to me.  I had personal relationships with a few guys, but none were serious in the last five years.  I meet another man in 2009, he wanted to become serious, but I was not ready.  I tried but could not continue seeing him.  I may have broken his heart.  I didn’t mean too. If he ever reads this, Casey, I’m sorry.  I would tell him in person, but dont know what happened to him.  I was not in a good place in my life, and the thought of getting too close, was scary.  That was two years ago.  I am different now.  I can see that.  I thought I needed a good man in my life….I was sort of right.  I found myself.  I am a good man.  I learned to depend on myself. I learned to appreciate the good people still in my life. And I learned to move forward.  And I am hoping to find someone special again.  I am hopeful but not really trying to rush things.  I will leave love up to fate.  Until then, I will enjoy the scenery.  *smiling*

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Spring track meet 1985

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