Monday, August 15, 2011

short story

I meet a guy yesterday.  I struck up a conversation. Just friendly talk.  He seemed nice. He excused himself to grab another drink.  I saw him walk over to the bar, and place his empty glass down.  He turned and left out the front door. He never looked back. For someone like me, who is not a 10, it is crushing.   It is hard to keep trying when I get shot down.  wow.
Why can’t I just get my heart taken out?  It is tired and I wish it would stop trying to reach out to something that is not there.  I see attractive men every day, and they look past me.  It hurts.  I never get noticed.  Is it the color of my hair, or the look of my body or my face.   Yes I guess it is.  Is it the way I stand or the way I sit, yes, I guess it is.  I feel I am no one’s type.  I have a terrible voice and goofy face. I look like a nerd in these glasses.  I know I’m no prize. But I don’t think I deserved that.
I know, there are other fish in the will happen when you least expect door closes, another opens.....I have heard them all.  I’m so mad I could scream, but instead I guess I will cry. 


Anonymous said...

it will be ok.

cooper2976 said...

I think that you are a one of a kind type of guy! When that special someone finds you it will be magic! But until then you have to be you and only you. You don't need a man in your life to make you happy. You have many many people who care about you and that love you!

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...