Friday, August 5, 2011

I hate sweats

I thought it may be intersting to think about things I do not own.  I am not complaining. I have my reasons.   Some of these things I just don’t want or need in my life. 
First, I have to tell you, I do not own sweats.  I think these are the most horrible clothes ever invented.  Plus no one looks good in them.  I would be embarrassed to wear them.  I do not want to look like a slob.  I have seen to many people at the local wal-mart wearing them.  I think the fashion police should out law them. 
Second,  I do not own a team jersey. I would hate to be mistaken for mindless straight guy.   I really enjoyed watching the basketball play off last season.  But I am not a follower.   It was exciting, but at no time did I feel the need to buy a team jersey. I will however wear a ball cap.  It covers my bad hair days.   I am an old fashioned gay.  I’m not really a sports fan.  Except for soccer, I can watch it with the sound off.  I just like seeing the men in the matching shirts and loose shorts.  OMG.  Now that’s a sport. 
I do not own the latest game system.  In fact I do not like computer games at all.  I am a person who is focused on creative activities.  I love working with my hands.  I enjoy sewing, building things and anything tactile. I do not understand how the games are played, nor do I enjoy shooting things in a war game, or driving a pimp mobile in a grand theft auto game.  Games are not for me.
I do not wear gay pride jewelry/shirts.  I have noticed in my old age (yes, I’m 29 and holding) that when you come out, you need to feel like you belong.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I notice too, that many young people wear gay pride necklaces, shirts, and bracelets.  It seems a bit much, to blast to the world.  “hey, I’m a homo”.   I feel you can be who you are with out making a statement. Trust me, I don’t need an announcement, to the world can tell I’m gay.  They know.   In fact my statement is, “I am me.  I like myself.  And my bedroom is not that big of a deal.”  I think that me, walking out of my apartment, in high whore drag is all the gay pride costume I need.  I am not out to embarrass myself by making a spectacle.  My neighbor’s just look, but I just get in my car and zoom away.  (Usually because I am late)  I save my rainbow colors for the annual parade. 

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